It's time to be jealous _1

"You've really decided?" Xu Jialu asked.

Xu Youyou nodded without hesitation. &Quot; yes. &Quot;

If this was what da Bai wanted to see, then she would go. It would also give her some freedom and space to think about their relationship.

"Then let's go," Xu Jialu did not object as strongly as before. Instead, he supported her. &Quot; it's good to go out and see. We can't be locked up in the moon House at such a young age to give birth to a child for old dog mo. It's so beautiful that he'll be worried. &Quot;

Xu Youyou's eyelashes trembled slightly. &Quot; you don't object to it? "

"Why should I object?" &Quot; even your husband doesn't care about you. Why should I care about you? " Xu Jialu asked in return.

During this time, Xu Jialu had also thought through many things. Xu Youyou had grown up and married. She was no longer the weak little girl who needed his protection all the time.

He should let her go and let her live her own life.