He's really crazy (1)

PEI Chuan continued, " Qin zhengzhen's son has been pampered since he was a child. He's ambitious. A few years ago, his investment and company failed. In the past two years, he's been working for his relatives. However, he's not clean and often quarrels with them. It's just that Qin zhengzhen's side is not good to fall out with him. Besides, he's a gambler and I think he often hits his wife. &Quot;

&Quot; pa! &Quot; Xu Youyou slammed her chopsticks on the table in anger. &Quot; men who beat their wives are scumbags. They should be shot to death! &Quot;

PEI Chuan was so frightened by her that he shivered and looked at mo shenbai helplessly. &Quot; President mo, I swear to God, I don't hit my wife.

Mo shenbai glanced at him indifferently. You have a wife?

PEI Chuan was speechless.

Yeah, I don't have a wife yet.

Mo shenbai looked at Xu Youyou and said in a gentle voice, " if you're angry, just be angry. Don't slam the table, or your hands will hurt. &Quot;