I am your father (1)


After class, Xu Youyou said goodbye to her classmates, carried her art bag, and walked out of the school to her residence.

Along the streets, Wutong trees were planted. Light and shadow swayed, and the breeze blew. Occasionally, a couple would walk by, intimately talking and laughing. When they could not help it, they would stop and kiss on the street.

Xu Youyou lowered her head with a smile and walked forward. Suddenly, a young man with blond hair and blue eyes jumped out.

&Quot; Oh ... &Quot; his Chinese was awkward, and his expression was warm.

Xu Youyou recognized him as a classmate from the same school and smiled. &Quot; Hello. &Quot;

The other party knew that Xu Youyou's French was not very good, so he considerately asked in English.

"Can I invite you to lunch?"

Xu Youyou shook her head and rejected him tactfully. &Quot; I'm sorry, I have something to do. &Quot;

"Then can I invite you to dinner?"