Going in both directions _1

Mo shenbai held her slender waist and deepened the kiss.

The emcee standing next to him was petrified--(□ *|||━━

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

This is not how a wedding should be!

What about the wedding vows? What about exchanging rings? Where's the cross-cupped wine?

Why did he skip all of them and go straight to the last step?Σ(⊙▽⊙“a

In the end, the emcee squeezed out an awkward and sad smile. &Quot; My career is over!

Below the stage, mo qinghuan lowered her head and held her forehead. She really didn't want to admit that this good-for-nothing was her nephew!

The two men of the Xu family-f * ck! I really want to beat this bastard up! Was he that impatient?

Ye weilan, who was sitting at the main table, supported her chin with one hand and watched the two people on the stage with great interest.

&Quot; I didn't expect the bride to look so obedient, but she's even fiercer and more direct than me! &Quot;