"I'll do it!" _1

Su lanxu stood at the bathroom door and bit her lip as she pondered for a long time. She still felt that she should explain things to him clearly.

After all, they were going to live under the same roof. If they didn't make things clear, there would be more awkwardness in the future.

When Xu Jialu came out of the bathroom, he saw her leaning against the wall with her head lowered. He didn't know what she was thinking.

"I'm done, you can use it."

With that, she walked to the closet to get some clothes.

&Quot; that ... &Quot; su lanxu called out to him, hesitating.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jialu asked with a frown.

Su lanxu took a deep breath and chose her words carefully. &Quot; I respect your feelings, but I think that as a man, you should have the most basic self-control. Although we're married, we're not really husband and wife. You can't do that to me ... &Quot;

The words that came after were too embarrassing, and she was too embarrassed to say them.