Hurt her to the extreme (1)

"Zhizhi, I really want to dig my heart out for you to see."

His bloodied hand supported himself on the cabinet, and he barely managed to stand. His face was as pale as paper, and his voice was getting weaker.

"In the past, in order to survive, I've done many, many things. However, no matter what I do, I can't seem to escape my original fate. There are some things that most people possess from birth, but I can't. Zhizhi ..... I don't have it. I can only fight for it and fight for it myself."

His eyes were bloodshot and moist, and a bleak smile hung on the corner of his mouth. &Quot; I admit that I'm not a good person. My entire heart is black, but if there's a little bit of pure white in this heart, that's you. &Quot;

I love you with the only purity in my life.

Even if it goes against my will to live.

Mo Zhiyun's entire body was stiff. His fingers were holding the scissors as he looked at him with a dazed expression. He did not say a word.