Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau (1)

Qu Huaian was completely drenched as he sat on the sofa. Even the expensive sofa was drenched.

Her long black hair was wet and stuck to her cheeks. Her long and thick eyelashes were filled with beads of water, and it was hard to tell if they were tears or water.

Her eyes were empty and numb as she looked at the man sitting opposite her. Her voice was hoarse. &Quot; what do you want? "

Xie tingxi leaned back on the sofa leisurely. His eyes were extremely cold, and even his words were mixed with ridicule. &Quot; you went to jail for stealing business secrets for him, and he's having sex with other women outside.

Qu Huaian, is this how you choose your men?"

She blinked her eyes and said expressionlessly, " "It's none of your business."

Even if Jiang rang had lied to her and hurt her heart, she would not show her weak side in front of Xie tingxi and let him be proud!