I don't hate you anymore _3

Qu Huaian opened his mouth but did not say anything in the end.

Xie tingxi returned to his study with the two photos and called Secretary Cao.

Secretary Cao arrived quickly. &Quot; President Xie, is there anything you need me to do? "

Xie tingxi handed over the photo of qu Huainan. &Quot; use this photo on the tombstone. &Quot;

Secretary Cao took it from her and said, " I understand. I'll get someone to adjust the size later. &Quot;

Xie tingxi handed him another photo. &Quot; get someone to restore the photo. &Quot;

Secretary Cao looked at the yellowed photos. One of the People's faces had been painted with ink, so his facial features could not be seen clearly.

"I'm afraid this is a little difficult."

Xie tingxi's face was tense, and he said in a firm tone, " no matter who you look for, no matter how much it costs, I must restore this photo to its original state. &Quot;