A star (1)

As the crowd dispersed, Xie tingxi handed his wallet to qu Huaian and asked him to pay the bill. He then tugged on his tie and went outside to get some fresh air.

Qu Huaian used the card in his wallet to pay the bill. He knew that the rich people lived a life of luxury, but when he saw the price of a meal, he still couldn't help but be speechless.

When she walked out of the private restaurant, she saw that Xie tingxi didn't look like an elite like he did during the day. He was sitting directly on a round stone stool, and his back was relaxed. He wasn't as straight as before.

Thinking that he must be feeling unwell after drinking so much tonight, she saw the pharmacy not far away from her peripheral vision and walked over.

Xie tingxi waited for her for a long time, but she didn't come out. He got up and was about to go back to look for her, but after taking two steps, he saw her running over from a distance, holding a plastic bag in her hand.