Too deeply into the character (1)

Wen Shuli's company was in Tong city. Qu Huaian had resigned from his job at the homestay and followed him to Tong city.

As she was a pure vegetarian and had no acting experience at all, Wen Shuli had hired a teacher to teach her one-on-one. The director also brought the latest script with him to read it out and help her understand the characters.

Although the story had a prototype, to put the story on the screen, there must be artistic embellishments. Fortunately, these embellishments had been approved by the parties involved.

The director knew that she had hearing damage and was afraid that she would have some inconvenience during filming. After discussing with Wen Shuli, he wanted to get a doctor to come over and take a look at her. If she could be treated, she had to be treated before filming started.

Qu Huaian declined their kind offer. They did not understand why. No one did not want to be healthy, just like others.