Lifelong regret (1)

The security guard was experienced and reacted quickly. He shouted, " "I'm doing CPR."

Xie tingxi seemed to have woken up from a dream. He laid qu Huai 'an flat on the ground, pressed his hands on qu Huai' an's heart, and looked at her with red eyes.

His glasses were long gone, and his deep eyes were wet and red.

"Quhuai an, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

After the CPR, he lowered his head and pinched her nose to perform artificial respiration.

After a few times, there was still no reaction from qu Huaian. His small face was pale and bloodless, and he was about to die.

Xie tingxi held her tightly in his arms, his big palm clasping the back of her head. He choked as soon as he spoke,"quhuai an Qianqian."

The scene was very noisy. Some people were calling for an ambulance, some were comforting Xie tingxi, and some were taking photos.