Not divorced (1)

Under everyone's gaze and all the cameras, Xie tingxi walked straight and firmly toward qu Huaian.

Qu Huaian's eyes did not even blink as he watched her walk towards him, and his heart suddenly started to beat wildly.

Xie tingxi walked to her side and stopped. Fei's lips curved up slightly, and she looked at the reporters below the stage again. She took out two red IDs from her suit pocket.

this is our marriage certificate. If you suspect that it's fake, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to check.

The manager looked at the bright red marriage certificate, and his mouth opened so wide that a duck egg could be stuffed in it. He looked at qu Huaian with a puzzled expression. Didn't you say you're divorced?

Qu Huaian did not look at his manager, nor did he look at anyone else. Instead, he stared at the marriage certificate in a daze.

No one knew the authenticity of the marriage certificate better than she did.