Returning late to see the present (44) _1

Goldy followed Xu Chi out of the car and walked to the elevator hand in hand. Suddenly, the idea of retreating came to mind. why don't I go home first? "

"What's wrong?" Xu Chi raised his eyebrows and asked.

Goldy said, a little embarrassed,"will it be bad for me to follow you to the company like this?" How will the people in the company see you?"

It was a little ridiculous to bring his girlfriend to work.

Xu Chi held her soft and innocent hand tightly and opened his thin lips slightly. our company's corporate culture requires employees to treat the company as their own home, so they sometimes bring their children to the company.

So what if he brought a girlfriend? besides, he was the boss. No matter what the boss did, his subordinates would not dare to criticize him.

After Goldy heard this, she was not so nervous. She asked again, " "I hope I'm not disturbing your work?"