I Won’t Sleep With You

The most horrible thing was not that Fang Xiaonuan had hit him, but that she had actually complained to his uncle. Ahhhhh!

After Ji Wen left, only the husband and wife were left in the room. One was in a good mood because of the benefits he would receive tonight, while the other was so angry that her mouth was puffy. Ji Lingchen looked at his wife's angry expression and raised his hand to pinch her face. "Go and unpack the clothes in the cloakroom. We might have to stay here for a while. I'll go out for a while. When I come back, I'll help you tidy up. If I come back late, go to bed first. There's no need to wait for me."

Fang Xiaonuan frowned slightly. She asked her husband in a soft voice, "Do I still have to sleep in the bed tonight?" Since they were not moving, she did not need to be threatened.

Ji Lingchen said, "You don't want to sleep with me? Or is the big bed less comfortable than the sofa?"