Trust and Reliance

"Dad, Mom." Fang Xiaonuan was sitting on her husband's lap. When she saw her parents at the door, she cried out in surprise.

"Nuannuan, why are you being carried by Lingchen?" Mrs. Fang asked.

Fang Xiaonuan and her husband looked at each other. She immediately got out of her husband's arms and stammered, "We... we were just playing around!"

The Fang couple put down their gifts and looked at Old Master Ji. "Old Master Ji, why are you standing up? You should lie down."

"I was arguing with Xiaonuan just now." Old Master Ji glared at his daughter-in-law angrily and sat on the bed.

Mrs. Fang naturally understood her daughter's character. She reached out and slapped her daughter's back. "Did you run your mouth again? Are you being irritating?"

"Mom, I'm not. I'm already married. I already have a husband. You can't hit me anymore." Fang Xiaonuan pouted and hid behind her husband dejectedly.