Chance Encounter

When Fang Xiaonuan heard that they were going to order, she immediately ran over and leaned against Ji Lingchen. She leaned against his side and when she saw the menu, her eyes lit up. She pointed at a fish and said, "Hubby, I want to eat this!"

Ji Lingchen nodded at the manager, and the manager quickly noted it down.

Ji Lingchen patiently flipped through the menu while his wife ordered. Suddenly, she paused, seeming to have realized something. "Bring some of this soup for Dad. Dad's stomach isn't good."

"Okay, order this for yourself, hubby. And this. You like subtle dishes. This would suit you."

"I love meat. Order two more meat dishes..." Fang Xiaonuan mumbled as she ordered.

Ji Lingchen looked at her serious expression and chuckled. "When did you learn my tastes?"

Fang Xiaonuan hugged Ji Lingchen's arm and said softly, "I'm your wife. How can I be considered a wife if I don't even know this?"