
Fang Xiaonuan thought that as long as she moved fast enough, Ji Lingchen would not know how she got up.

However, as soon as the CEO's private elevator started running, the surveillance footage in the elevator would be displayed on Ji Lingchen's phone screen in real-time.

The man saw his wife's figure appear on the phone screen, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The assistant noticed the CEO's expression and asked, "CEO Ji, what did you see? Why are you in such a good mood?"

Ji Lingchen said, "Look at the kitten."

The assistant did not understand what the CEO was talking about.

Ji Lingchen waved his hand and told the assistant to leave the office. Then, he leaned back in his chair and could not help but laugh. It seemed that his little kitten missed him!

He deliberately zoomed in on the surveillance footage and carefully looked at his little wife's expression.