You Are Not a Coward!

Ji Lingchen was helpless. Gentleness did not seem normal on him. On the contrary, he made people feel afraid. He coughed a few times and composed himself. With a solemn face, he said, "Within this week, go and settle your home matters. The company will hire people to temporarily take your place. After a week, if you still have not solved your family issues and if you're still bringing unnecessary emotions into work, hand in your resignation letter!"

"Yes, yes. Thank you, CEO!" Jiang Rui saw that the CEO had gone back to normal and he finally believed his words. He quickly bowed and thanked him.

"No need to thank me. This was all my wife's idea," Ji Lingchen replied.

"Wife?" Jiang Rui was puzzled. He had never met the CEO's wife. Why would the CEO's wife know about his family matters and even intercede on his behalf?

Ji Lingchen said, "It's the little girl you saw yesterday. She's not my niece. She's my wife, Fang Xiaonuan."