Twin Sister

Liu Siyu said, "Brother, this is a big deal. No, I have to call the police. Someone is spreading rumors about my friend!"

Liu Siyan smiled dotingly at his sister. "Okay, I will help you call the police myself!"

Upon hearing Liu Siyu's instruction, Fang Xiaonuan and Ji Wen quickly opened the school's forum page. They did not need to search for it. The forum was extremely popular, and it was the first search result.

They saw all sorts of news about Fang Xiaonuan and the insulting comments that followed. There were even comments that insulted Old Master Ji. Fang Xiaonuan could not help but clench her fists.

Ji Wen also frowned as he read. He kept swiping on the phone. He even opened the forum's homepage to see which daring person had been spreading rumors about them!