
Fang Xiaonuan nodded with tears in her eyes. "Okay, okay. Hubby, come with me."

Ji Lingchen said, "Okay." Then, the man accompanied his little wife to do something that he had not wanted to do since he was young: digging with his bare hands.

He took off his watch and put it into her pocket. Then, he dug a hole, and after he was done, he let his little wife put the flowers in. The two of them cooperated very well. Soon, they buried all the crushed flowers. Their hands were dirty, so they did not get back into the car again. They went straight inside.

Ji Wen was still pestering Old Master Ji. "Grandpa, just tell me. How did you get my uncle to marry Fang Xiaonuan? What were you thinking when you were getting Fang Xiaonuan to marry into the family?"

Old Master Ji was so annoyed that he ran straight to the dining hall. Before he left, he threatened, "Don't talk about this at home. If your uncle hears about it and beats you up, I won't help you."