Checking His Phone

Then, the six members of the Ji family sat in the living room, determined to resolve the conflict.

Ji Lingchen explained, "In the afternoon, I received a call. The person on the line said that the equipment at the eastern development site had malfunctioned, causing radiation. At that time, there were a few women there, so I asked for the exact number of women present. After that, I rushed to the site. I spent the entire afternoon at the development site waiting for the results so that the experts could deal with it."

Of course, he did not say that he had deliberately mentioned women to make his wife jealous.

Fang Xiaonuan sat opposite her husband and said, "But you clearly implied that you were going to see another woman."

Ji Lingchen said, "I said that on purpose to make you jealous."

Fang Xiaonuan said, "Are you crazy!"