Our School Supports Dating

Fang Xiaonuan said, "If you don't have a boyfriend, quickly find one. Don't worship my husband. You're already in university. If you don't quickly find a partner and fall in love, how are you going to survive four years in university? Our school supports students falling in love."

The girl was at a loss for words. In the end, Fang Xiaonuan scared her to tears.

Ji Lingchen hugged his angry wife and comforted her, "Be good. Don't be jealous. I won't give her an autograph. In the future, I'll only give you autographs, okay?"

Fang Xiaonuan said stubbornly, "Bah! Who's jealous!"

"Okay, okay, okay. You're not jealous. I'm the one who's jealous. Let's go to the office," Ji Lingchen comforted her. In the end, he did not provide the autograph. Instead, he embraced his wife and they left.

After returning to the car, he put his wife's books in the backseat and opened the passenger door for her. He even fastened her seatbelt before sitting in the driver's seat.