
Hearing that her brother was going to the police station, Liu Siyu immediately perked up. She quickly went to the bathroom to change, then waited at the door.

"Why did you get dressed?" Liu Siyan asked angrily. He was still angry.

Liu Siyu immediately hugged her brother's arm. "Brother, I'll go with you."

Liu Siyu asked, "What are you going to do? Embarrass yourself some more?"

Liu Siyu hung her head, not daring to talk back.

In the end, Liu Siyan did not want to leave her alone in the hotel, so he brought her to the police station with him.

Liu Siyan said, "Be good and sit here. Don't run around. Even if you're just going to the toilet, make sure you report to me first."

Liu Siyan had just finished speaking when Liu Siyu said, "Report."

"Just tell me," Liu Siyan said through gritted teeth.

Liu Siyu said, "Brother, I need to go to the toilet. I can't hold it in anymore."