
Old Master Ji told Ji Lingchen everything that had happened that year.

Fang Xiaonuan, however, was confused. She asked doubtfully, "Dad, since the kidnappers had already kidnapped my husband and Xiaoyu, why would they have killed Xiaoyu and let my husband go? If I were the kidnapper, I would have released both of them or killed them both since I'd already kidnapped two people. Why would I kill one and let the other go?"

Old Master Ji was also very puzzled.

"And that forensic doctor," Fang Xiaonuan continued, "Logically speaking, the doctor's test report can't be wrong. The child who died was obviously not your biological daughter, so why did the results say she was?"

"Tomorrow, investigate the forensic doctor who examined your sister," Old Master Ji told his eldest son.

If Fang Xiaonuan noticed this, her husband would, of course, pick up on it as well.