A Clue

"The Ji family sent so many people to search around the river, but they couldn't find any trace of Xiaoyu. Yet, you managed to find her. Who told you about this place?" Ji Lingchen asked.

"CEO Ji, don't spout nonsense. I didn't harm Xiaoyu. If I could have saved either one of you, I would've. If I could've saved you both, you'd be especially grateful to me. Obviously, I would've saved her if I could. It was a coincidence that I found her body. I can't explain it, but it's the truth."

"When did I say you harmed Xiaoyu?"

Mr. Lin was at a loss for words.

Ji Lingchen continued, "And did you know? Xiaoyu is not dead."

"That's impossible!" Mr. Lin said in disbelief.

"How can you be so sure?" Ji Lingchen's gaze darkened.

Mr. Lin's heart skipped a beat and he fell silent.

Old Master Ji finally could not take it anymore. He stepped forward and slapped Mr. Lin. "Hurry up and tell me!"