Wreaking Havoc in the Feng Family

"That's impossible! Ji Xiaoyu died fifteen years ago!" Mr. Feng blurted out.

Fang Xiaonuan furrowed her brows. Why was Mr. Feng so sure that Ji Xiaoyu was dead?

She walked behind Feng Hai and kicked him in the leg, causing him to kneel on the ground. "Xiaowen, you'll hit him the same way he hit my sister-in-law back then!"

Ji Wen walked over and slapped Feng Hai, causing him to fall to the ground. After the slap, his palm was burning. He had long wanted to slap Feng Hai ruthlessly, and today, he finally had the chance!

Feng Hai was just about to get up when Ji Wen punched his teeth again. Feng Hai's lips immediately started bleeding.

Fang Xiaonuan looked at Mr. Feng in horror. "Why did you say Ji Xiaoyu died? How did she die?"

Old Master Ji had told her before that Ji Xiaoyu's funeral had not been held. For so many years, no one except Old Master Ji and the butler knew that Ji Xiaoyu was "dead". So, how did he know?