Harvey: I just broke it off with Kate…
It only took him a few seconds to respond.
Quinn: So you can read between the lines. How did she take it?
Harvey: Really well actually. She cried a little but overall it seemed like she was only a little surprised. She told me she loved me.
Quinn: Are you serious? That’s some heavy shit dude.
Harvey: I know. I was lost after that. I told her that I might be incapable of love and that I needed to break up with her to figure it out.
Quinn: So you lied to her then. Good choice.
Harvey: What does that mean?
Quinn: You are going to chase after Nora with both legs now right?
Harvey: I’m not chasing her. I mean I want to get to know her and I am going to keep emailing her but chasing is not my thing.
Quinn: Liar but whatever. You are free to do as you please and I’m proud of you for breaking it off with Kate first. My little guy is growing into a full-blown man.