Chapter 38: Nora

My leg started screaming at me again and this time I couldn’t help it. I went to reach over for the pills when my mom swooped in and did it for me. “Remember you only need to take one, the doctor said these are really strong.” She said shaking one white pill into her palm. She handed me the pill pulled out a glass bottle of root beer, twisted the top off, and handed it to me with a giant smile on her face.

I took the pill and had a long drink of root beer. I felt the pain in my leg ease almost immediately. I know a lot of it was just in my head but right now I didn’t care.

“How long do I have to be here mom?” I asked leaning my head back into my pillow. “I’m not sure…” she said as the doctor entered the room.

“Hi Nora, how are you feeling,” she said pulling a pen out of her pocket and scribbling something on a clipboard. “I’m feeling okay, lots of pain but nothing I can’t handle,” I said trying to act tough.