Chapter 49: The Soulmate

After the werewolves confirmed that Janz and the rest of the Kalentian soldiers had left, Heldon and Tival introduced themselves to Lord Waltham, which went better than expected.

Lord Waltham informed them that Shrai and himself were still tracking down Lady Waltham, both of his sons, and his niece, an alpha named Lilia. They had been sighted outside Kalent and he and Shrai departed soon after to cure them.

Untacking the horses should've been simple but ended up going worse than expected. Once they got the saddle and bridle off Blaze, the distraught stallion wouldn’t let anyone near him, including Heldon.

If Heldon didn’t know any better, he’d say that Blaze felt betrayed by all of them. Midnight though was happy with her hay.

Danica guided them to a new bedroom to rest, and Heldon cringed at what they did to the wrong one last time.