Chapter 30

I wander the alley during the dark.

It's quiet and peaceful during the night; a perfect hunting ground for the hungry vampire.

Z had stayed behind to keep Kian busy should he leave classes. Bryn faked illness, because, apparently vampires could actually get sick. Who knew?

I strain my ears for the slightest sound and hold my wooden knife close.

I'd agreed when told an actual knife would be a bad idea in case I did actually stab Bryn. At least this wouldn’t cause any damage.

Mei is just in front of me, waiting in the centre of the courtyard at her designated checkpoint. She wasn’t allowed to leave until I'd 'freed' her.

However, I'm not willing to leave the safety of the shadows just yet. I can feel Bryn nearby, but my other senses can't locate him; he's good.

All I can hear is the fountain. Bryn had chosen a good place to test my abilities.