Mac n' Cheese

When Harper made it back to Roland’s apartment, she assumed that no one was home yet. The lights were off, and she felt so tired.

Her head was spinning a little from the small alcohol intake she and Gwyneth had before going their separate ways.

So without even turning on any lights, Harper stumbled towards the couch. It was the closest to a bed she found, and her dizziness would not allow her to make it to her room in time.

She had already puked her guts out earlier. Hence she was sure Roland’s couch was safe. Harper was glad that she made it to the couch before she felt like the world was tilting around her.

“Damn,” she grumbled, then pulled off her shoes and sighed, her hands clutching her head. She just needed a minute or maybe five before she could get back up and search for Tylenol.

Harper groaned when the lights suddenly came on, hurting her eyes for a minute before she felt a warm hand pressed on her forehead.