Chapter 13 - Challenge

"My Lady, Lady Evelyn has sent her greetings," Lydia delivered me a piece of unpleasant news at the very beginning of the day.

As the Luna, I had only begun to attend the royal court. The pile of paperwork was already giving me anxiety. I had only started to learn about the royal court.

What could she require from me, I wondered.

"Send him in," I ordered. Somehow I already got the gut feeling that her persistent butler would not part without meeting me personally.

Cassius entered. He bowed in perfect ninety degrees. It would always overwhelm me how precise his etiquettes were. Yet, aside from the noble aura, something was very off about his personality. Even without anyone telling me, I could already feel the chill.

"What is it that Lady Evelyn wants from me?" I asked sharply.

"My Lady, my master has been getting concerned about her majesty since the incident of the tea party. She wishes to visit my lady," he said gracefully.