Chapter I


My grandma always taught me to follow my gut. At the moment it told me that I was being hunted. Through the thick trees and bushes, I stopped, made myself invisible, and calmed my breathing. As I waited on high alert, I slowly grabbed the handle of my silver ornate dagger, sounds of running paws and breaking twigs getting closer to my hiding spot. It all happened in a split second - the rabid wolf lunged at me with a blood-thirsty look in its eyes, while I quickly dodged the attack and sliced its belly open. Blood sprayed all over the ground and my freshly laundered clothes, while the animal squealed and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

" Fucking beasts...Gran's gonna kill me this time....", I cursed angrily trying in vain to wipe the blood off my shirt. As I cleaned the blade, I inspected its grey furry corps. It was bigger than the others I've seen recently and wandering alone too. Which was very odd, as wolves usually traveled in packs. I could also swear I saw a tattoo on its skin under the fur, but maybe I was imagining it and it was just an odd spot. How could it be after all?

" More might come " I thought to myself, as I grabbed my supply satchel and hurried on the path. One or two wolves I could handle, but I didn't stand a chance against a whole pack.

The woods were silent today, a heavy mist covering the surroundings. The constant feeling of unease creeping in my bones kept me going without pause.


The sun was almost setting as I reached the edge of the Blue Forest. I wandered these woods almost every day in search of medicinal herbs and fresh game, which sold for a good price at the market. Today was a good day, my basket being full and ready for tomorrow's early tradings. Warm lights started to appear insight as I neared my dear village Eder. The few people that were left on the streets hurried to their homes. Most of them are afraid to wander the nights these days, as many dangers roam our surrounding forest. Everything was safer in the past, but now rumors spread amongst the villagers like wildfire about all sorts of spooks and magical beasts.

After a few turns, I reached a green door with a beautiful golden tree painted on it. A big sigh left me as I entered and smelled the mouth-watering scent of Gran's cooking. It made my stomach growl instantly.

" Nana, I'm home" I greet as usual. " What's cooking over there? I am totally starving."

" It's your favorite chicken broth " said my Grandma, as she entered the room. "How was your..." she starts, but comes to a quick halt when she takes a look at me. " Oh Red, not again! Look at the state of your clothes. How am I supposed to clean this up? I'm afraid you will need a new shirt this time ", she says while inspecting the bloodstains.

"I'm really sorry Grams, but this one was bigger and quicker than the others. Had no choice but to cut it open..a bloody mess I made.." I blinked apologetically as I removed my cloak, boots, and weapons on the floor. A playful fire was burning in the chimney, so I placed myself in front of it, warming my face and feet.

"It's alright darling, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt. Go and clean up first. I'll set the table". With a kind smile, Nana gave me a peck on the cheek.

Our home was small but cozy. We only had one bedroom and two other small chambers that were used for dining and privy. It was just me and Grams now. She took care of me since I was six years old. One day my mom got caught by the wolves, as she was visiting grandma's old house in the woods nearby. She met her end there. I never forgot how scared and lonely I felt when I found out, which made me swear that I would do anything not feel like that powerless ever again.

As the wild beasts increased in numbers and become more aggressive by the day, Grandma decided that it was time to live together in my mother's lodgings in Eder, where it was safer for both of us. So here we are still, after fourteen years, trying to make a living for each passing day. I wasn't complaining, we get by alright. But as my Nana got older, I took over the responsibility of hunting and gathering supplies. I didn't want to put her in danger. She was everything I had left and I don't know what I would do if she was gone too.

Lost in thoughts, I entered the bathroom and discarded my blood-covered clothes on the floor. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as I started to wash myself with a wet cloth, chills running down my spine. Unfortunately, we didn't own a bathtub, being a luxury only the high-born could afford. I could only imagine what it would be like to relax in hot water.

While daydreaming I looked at my reflection in the mirror. A pair of big hazel eyes stared back at me. My fair long hair was cascading down my shoulders. I noticed it had spots of dry blood too and leaves all over, which made me frown. I have white skin as snow with lots of old and fresh scars on my waist, arms, and tights, all gained in my efforts of battling the wild beasts. My body was shapely in all the right parts. Not at all the appearance of a thin and elegant princess. Rather of a wild rebel thief. I constantly wondered who would choose a wife such as myself, scarred and unruly. Sighing I put my nightgown on and went to have dinner with Grams.

While we eat in silence, Nana kept on giving me small glances.

"What?" I asked amused, gulping another spoon full of broth. God, it was amazing. She extended her hand and took a small leaf out of my hair.

" I hate that you put yourself in danger like this. Maybe you can find some other way of earning, something safer" she said slowly, with a worried voice.

"Grams, you know there is nothing else around in this village that pays better than trading goods. Maybe I can become a bloody treasure hunter and find some full coin coffers. That would settle us forever." I joked around, trying to lighten up the mood.

" What about working for the innkeeper? He always hires gir....", she started, but I quickly cut her off. " No way I would ever stand being groped around every day by those filthy drunkards! Believe me, I've seen it happen a lot ....", shaking my head in denial.

" I just don't want you to end up like your mom" Gran said with a small voice, that made me shrink in sadness. I put my hands on hers and squeezed reassuringly.

" Don't worry Nana, I know what I'm doing. I trained a lot with Theon and I'm always careful. Just don't think about it, okay?" I smiled trying to cheer her up. She nodded her head but didn't seem convinced.

I know how she felt, always seeing me bloody and hurt, always living with the fear that I might not come back home. But it seemed like I had no choice at the moment. I went to bed with my head full of thoughts and doubts.


My gaze shoots up to the sky. It was grey as steel and little snowflakes started falling around me slowly. Winter came quickly this year. I extended my hand and watched them as they instantly melt on my inhuman hot skin. Being a Lycan had its qualities, such as withstanding the coldest of blizzards. Using my heightened sense of hearing and smell, I stood straight with my eyes closed and took in the surrounding sounds of nature. I could hear everything. The rustling of the trees, the running deers, the wings of birds. A cold gust of wind refreshed my head, sending chills in my muscles.

" Erik, are you done contemplating?", said my little brother Luke, leaning against a tree with a big sneer on his face. There was a difference of 8 years between us. I was twenty-eight and Luke twenty.

" Shut up. I was just... focusing", I snort at him. He never did understand what peaceful meditation meant, as he used to blather non-stop.

" I was under the impression you were going to start reciting a poem or something", he laughed and imitated the pose of an emotional singing bard. Faster than a blink of an eye, I crouched, grabbed a large snowball and threw it right in Luke's head, hoping it will wipe that smug smile off his face.

" Alright, alright, I'm sorry" he said, laughing even harder, raising his hands in surrender. "Let's patrol already, I don't fancy staying in this cold all day".

" Stop whining like a little pup, Luke. You will be the Alpha of your own pack one of these days and you will need to show strength", I gave him a serious look. Lecturing him was part of our daily routine, as he clearly needed it.

" Yes, Sir! ", he said standing straight and saluting like a soldier, mocking me of course.

I shook my head and sighed. We undressed and put our clothes in the leather satchel, leaving them hidden near a marked spot. I could feel my wolf scratching in the back of my head, itching to be released, to go on a long run. The usual sensation of my skin burning up, took over me, making my whole body shake uncontrollably. With the sounds of snapping bones and angry growls, our figures disappeared, being replaced by two enormous wolves. I looked into my brother's eyes, daring him to race. His wolf was big and black as night. He nodded his snout and we immediately started to run. The rush of air in my fur felt amazing, as my wolf sprinted like a lightning through the forest.

Our kind was blessed by the Moon, our Goddess. Under her silver light, she created us to be the upper species, stronger and sharper than humans, to rule the world from the shadows with our evolved instinct and raw power. Inside of us layed a beast, ready to burst. Some took different kinds of forms like bats, bears and panthers. We were Lycanthropes. Large and wild, the perfect predators. The strongest of us could change at will, but there were those weaker who could only shapeshift when the moon was full.

There was a hierarchy, of course. The Alphas were those at the top of the chain, usually capable of leading a pack, like my father, myself and Luke. Then, there were the Betas, who were the right hands and second in command, almost as strong as the rulers. They had to train the warriors and pups. When an Alpha died, there was always a fight for ascension. Next are the Gammas who were great strategists, on both battle planning and pack-related ideas. The Deltas were good diplomats, tending to be very private and calm personalities. At the bottom of the chain were the Omegas, who were usually the average people of the pack, who had no big aspirations, tending to serve others, work for their superiors and live for their families. In our pack, we treated everyone right, no matter their level. Still, in others, the big four ranks did things differently and preferred to ruthlessly dominate the weak ones.

If rules were seriously broken or some Lycan was accused of killing one of his pack brothers, he or she would be banished and become an Outcast or Rogue in a more common tongue. Which was the ultimate punishment, as they didn't manage to survive long on their own. In my mind, this was worst than death.

For an hour we ran without stopping almost to the southern border of my father's lands, the current Alpha leader of the Silver Claw pack. Our lands stretched from Wolfhagen, the main town and into the Blue Woods, being quite a vast territory. Feeling a strange scent I stopped in my tracks and so did Luke. As we didn't hear any threatening sounds, we shifted back in our human skin to find the source.

A big bloody rogue laid dead between the thicket, his belly sliced in two, its guts spilled upon the snow. I knew what he was, because upon death the body remained in wolf form. Which meant it was long since it changed in its human shape. These packless wild beasts will never stop coming, more and more showing up, bringing trouble along with them.

" Damn, we missed a fight!" said Luke, growling between his teeth. I looked at him amused by his young fiery temper. I kneeled and inspected the corpse. There was something about this scene, a feeling that made my blood boil and my wolf to stir inside of me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. A large, deep cut was visible on its whole abdomen, which was most probably the cause of its demise. I pushed some of its fur out of the way revealing a tattooed rune. The rogues were branded with this symbol when kicked.

"See this? How the margins of the skin is dried out? A silver weapon was used." I told Luke frowning. Silver was the only thing that could hurt us lycans.

" Hunters?" he asked crossing his arms. "Only they know the secret of our weakness. I thought they were gone from these parts".

" So did I. Apparently not..Still, it could be someone else. We should not make assumptions without proof". I rose and stepped away from the animal. "We need to inform father. He will want to track this down, look into it." Luke nodded and his eyes became white, like rolling in the back of his head, using the Lycan shared Mind Link to report our findings. It seems most probably that hunters were training recruits again, as this was not the only case we saw recently. The last time we almost whipped them away completely wasn't enough to teach them not to trespass on our lands. Not that I cared for this Rogue shit, as we were going to take him down too if we caught it first, but how long until they will start hunting us? The thought made my wolf howl and my muscles flex with anger. Luke put his hand on my shoulder, distracting me from my thoughts.

"It's done. We should head back, father wants to speak to us". Looking one last time at the corps I noticed something else. Small footprints, almost covered in snow.

" See this? The footprints of a woman" I pointed out.

" A woman did this? She must be one hell of a hunter to kill this big son of a bitch", said Luke whistling impressed. Shifting into wolves again, I could not shake the strange feeling I had like I was missing something really important. I howled in frustration and started bolting through the thick woods, with my brother in tow.