Dark things 3

In Rivendell, the second and last land to be divided into the kingdom of Harengon, a young woman, in her 20s hid behind one of the trees when she had sighted three men conversing in a low voice and then exchanging something, she couldn't recognise, that was none of her concern. She saw one pull off his hat, offering a bow to the other men before exiting, while the two men kept watching his retreating back before they exchanged handshakes, heading in different directions.

When she had seen the coast was clear, she dragged out a body of a young unconscious boy, pulling him by a leg as she dragged him along the pathways. It was obvious, the heavy rainfall which had fallen on the other land; Edgeville had not even dropped a single drop to the ground although it was humid over here.

She continued to roughly pull the body, heading to the dark corners of the lonely alley, where there were several deserted old houses. She darted her eyes to and fro, making certain that she was not being watched before she continued pulling the body. She got to a dark little house which was heavily covered by dark curtains. She touched the door, whispering under her breath as she watched the door click open on its own. She darted her eyes around again, pulling the body inside, closing the door after her.

She struggled before pulling the body, to lay still on the table as she rummaged for a knife in the rack she had placed on the wall. She suspended her movements when she had picked on a sound in the shadow, turning alert.

"Khaldun". She muttered under her breath, already irritated.

" What part of DO NOT COME INTO MY HOUSE did you not understand?". She asked the shadow, turning to look at the dark space.

"Don't you even know what privacy means?". She asked in an annoyed tone, picking a knife in her hand.

A masculine voice chuckled loudly in the dark, revealing a tall, huge muscular man on a hood. She turned annoyed that the man had not taken her words considerable, opening her mouth to reprimand him.

The hooded man walked with a leopard-like grace, on a Viking gold hair. Thin and narrow eyebrows, a hawkish nose, defined cheekbones, concrete jaw, spartan shoulders that spoke of his strength, sea-rover eyes that sparkled in mirth, a deep voice and a personality that screams of danger despite the continuous smile, he had adorned on his lips. He wore a gold earring that dangles on his left ear, wafting off the bad boy aura. He was entrancing, preternaturally beautiful, reeking of wealth and nobility despite the large cloak, covering his clothes. The young woman, who had wanted to reprimand, felt her lips tightly glued on their own as she watched him, stride toward her.

" Ye gods, I never knew you were so in love with me, to turn yourself into a werewolf, sniffing and sensing my presence". The young man said, exclaiming in fake surprise, before giving a wide grin.

The young woman, scoffed as she rolled her eyes, turning back to the table to face the body lying on it. "I would prefer to turn into a dirty croaking toad, sticking my long tongue to those cruddy little house flies than ever turning myself into those awful werewolves". The young woman said as she cringed, earning no response but an instant smile danced on his lips.

" You know Khaldun?". The young woman asked, turning to stare at the young man, flashing a seductive smile with her eyes, who raked his entire body. "I heard you like bad girls, well I'm bad at everything, how about I loosen your tight pants for you?". She asked, biting her lips, raising her feet to step closer to him.

Khaldun gave a bored look, yawning out loud, before rubbing his temples. " I would prefer a human, werewolf, best a white witch, so let's not stick with that. Having anything to do with your likes would cause the slow withering of my soul". He said, shrugging like he had stated an undeniable fact.

The young woman who was making advances toward him felt her smile fall, her face contorting into a wave of uncontrollable anger, morphing into her hideous real self, discarding the voluminous, seductive young woman's appearance into a hideous decayed-like, wrinkled hard skin. Her eyes in slits, that looked untamed and cunning, a thin lip with a row of rotten teeth in which a tongue continued to slither out like that of a reptile, hissing angrily.

"You mean I am 'ere, to be manipulated by helping with this tassss'? She asked, letting out a hiss between her rotten teeth, her tongue sliding in and out.

Khaldun held his nose while looking at the witch in amusement. " Would it be rude for me to throw a breath mint into someone's mouth, while they are talking?". Khaldun asked out loudly in amusement, faking an expression of being deep in thought.

The witch could tell he was laying a threat in an underlying tone, she had a better option to steer clear of an approaching problem and that was by shutting her mouth. She quickly morphed herself back into the seductive young woman, throwing a dirty look at him, turning back to the table to rummage its cabinet.

"Now adding your admirers into the kill list, Nimue?". Khaldun asked, scrutinizing the dead body on the table.

" This one? He is never near the admirer's chart. This dog has been' snooping and sniffing me around for some weeks now, tried to ignore him but he persisted. He saw me today in my real form when I had flown down beside the house and he tried to have me reported to the hunters". The young woman called Nimue answered.

"What? Why that look?, Trust me it was a mistake. She said to the boiling Khaldun, who stared intently at her.

Khaldun's smile fell, his jaw already ticking in anger, staring at the woman who was forcing the dead boy to gulp down the red portion, she was feeding him. The audacity of the woman to speak so nonchalantly to him.

" A mistake?". He asked, his eyes changing into dark red.