Deeply loved by a son 3

When minister Adulse had returned in a hurry to his mansion, he walked straight to his room, dismissing the Butler who had walked up to help pull off his coat. He slumped on his large bed, shutting his eyes to reminisce the day's event.

He couldn't still acknowledge, that the said king's son could outsmart them and humiliate him in the court. He was brutally shamed, he was so sure he would not raise a face whenever he steps out anymore in the public, he had already seen the faces made at him when he was walking out of the throne room.

Nobody talked to him and he had hurriedly left in disgrace, speeding up to scramble home. He was glad the king had said nothing to him but rather dismissed the court but he was also nervous about what the king might do next to him.

Exhaling a sigh, he didn't know whom to talk to or what to do, right now his wife had attended the party with his only two girls. Seconds turned into minutes and passed by, he lay on the bed wearied, contemplating what to do next, when he heard a continuous knock on the door.

Opening it, he saw a maid who offered a bow to him. "My lord, minister Federick is here to meet you, shall I serve - -"

The man didn't wait to hear the maid complete her words, he hurriedly rushed down the stairs to meet the man who had come to meet him in the parlour room. "Frederick". He called on seeing the man who sat with a crossed leg, stand up to receive a handshake from him.

" Oh thank goodness you are here, I don't know - - I swear - - I don't know how he had found out". I had concealed - - - I covered every single trail. I don't know how he found out". Minister Adulse stammered, obviously shaken at the consequences that would befall him.

"Shh, can you bring your voice down? Are you out of your mind?". minister Frederick asked Alduse, who quickly composed himself. " Here". He said, putting his hand into his fur jacket to bring out an envelope. "This is a letter informing you of the next gathering in the afternoon. No need to read the contents, I already told you its contents". Minister Frederick said, shoving an envelope into his hand.

" Frederick, what am I to do?. The king wouldn't listen to my explanations". Minister Alduse complained, almost shivering.

Frederick stared at him for some seconds before answering him. "Why don't you run away with your family or fake your death?". He said to Alduse, who widened his eyes at his suggestion. " What?". He asked, seeing the man give him a shocked look

"This is the most outrageous idea and there's no way I am attempting to listen to it. I can't leave the damn things, I struggled for and for what? Just to run away, to start afresh from the scratches. So hell no!". Minister Alduse refused vehemently.

Frederick stared at the stubborn man, who had suddenly spaced out after disagreeing with his suggestion. " If you would have listened to me then, you would have saved your now dying ass from this shit. Told you not to be at the crime scene, let the boys do the dirty job, I fucking told you not to go there. I also asked you to let me handle all the deep shits for you, but what did you think? You had thought of me, wanting to have all the king's rewards. Now, look at you, frightened as a woman.

"Let's meet in the afternoon then". Minister Frederick said, standing up to tap the man's shoulder before he exited the room, leaving Alduse slumped on the sofa as he felt his whole world crashing right in front of his eyes.


Khaldun who had walked out of the door stood still outside, trying to use his hearing ability to listen to the conversations going on inside but he heard nothing and that was unusual, would it be they were not conversing yet?. Khaldun turned confused, making his way out of the hallway when he had seen the guards turning vigilant at his presence.

Bastian tucked his hands into his pockets as he waited for Khaldun, staring at the sky and leaning on the pillar along the corridor when he veered around to meet a distracted Khaldun as he had already sensed him.

" What's wrong?". He asked, releasing himself from the pillar.

"Did you notice something strange when you left the throne room?". Khaldun asked.

" About not hearing what was been conversed inside?". Bastian asked with his usual bored look.

"Zigackly!!! You noticed too. Khaldun said already intrigued.

" Yeah yeah. Seems he had a strong spell placed on the throne room. Your father is getting weirder and more vigilant". Bastian said, shrugging.

Khaldun chucked. So that was it, that was the reason he couldn't listen to what was said there. Interesting. He thought.

"Why don't you head home, while I go to meet my mother? My sweetest father handed me a scroll of permission". Khaldun said, raising the scroll, before picking out his pocket watch to flip it open.

" How sweet of him. Why don't you freshen up and then catch some rest?. Remember you haven't consumed blood, go find your blood bags to drain from. We wouldn't want you blowing off our covers. Bastian said, gazing at the man who felt his gums itch.

"Okey-dokey. I'll go pick a few things then, use my carriage". Khaldun said, tapping his friend's arm before turning to leave.

When Khaldun had left Bastian's side, he took a left turn heading to his chambers. The guards who saw him ignored him like air while they stood still guarding the corridors. The maids who had seen him approaching turned around to the next exit, to avoid him getting closer to them.

Khaldun noticed everything, keeping a blank look on his face. He was not interested in the actions of the pesky humans, he was feeling his gums throb so painfully, and his thirst and hunger for blood were heightening at merely hearing the sounds of their bloodstream flowing through their veins.

He couldn't wait to teleport to one of them, trap her to the wall and have her drained of blood until the victim's body would feel slack and motionless.