Doomsday or not

King Bratador walked along the corridor that led to the dungeon with his right-hand man, the advisor councillor accompanied by two guards. The gate of the dungeon was unlocked by an awaiting guard who gave a quick bow before letting his majesty into one of the cell rooms while the guards departed the room for the king's privacy.

Bratador stared at the woman whose hands and feet were shackled with chains. Her face was already bruised and cast down in weariness, obviously showing she would pass out anytime. He gave a mocking smile to the battered woman, who gradually raised her head to meet his mocking eyes. "All praise the heroine, to the rescue".

The white witch raised her face to glare at the man who had come to mock her before she gave a weak smile. "I have already foreseen your grief and death and believe me, it is not far to come".

"My!!". Bratador Deamonne exclaimed, a glint of monstrosity passed through his eyes, before going closer to the shackled woman. "And here I was, seeking for a diviner to foretell the future events for me. " Do you even know why I am called Deamonne?". He asked, leaning closer to her face. "It is because I am immortal and I would never die. Poor you, I would have loved to keep you alive to see how extraordinary things would unfold but that would be in your next life. You need to come back to experience the mysterious things yourself".

The shackled white witch quickly spat on the king to see his smile falter before she felt a burning sensation on her left cheek where the king had forcefully slapped her, she felt a metallic taste in her mouth, spitting it out to see she had spat out blood.

" Look at you acting powerful. You had made the greatest mistake of ever trying to expose me but on the other hand, who would ever believe a witch?"

"I don't care what the world would think of us but sooner, just sooner there would be a great disparity between the evil and good witches and you, my king would one of them to be burnt down".

" Oh no no sweetheart, don't get yourself confused. I am no black witch and what I am is not of your concern. What should be of your concern should be your dearest husband and kids who are hoping for you to return sooner. Don't worry, words would quickly spread of the ever good king, catching a witch and setting her ablaze. Bratador smiled at the white witch who looked shocked, while he leaned closer to stroke her lips before he received a knee kick to his groins.

"Fuck". Bratador cursed at the sudden pain he felt from the impact of the kick before he pulled the woman's hair roughly. " Seems you like an agonizing death, huh?. You begged for it then". Bratador with clenched teeth quickly plunged a dagger, he had pulled out of his kingly robe into her belly, earning a painful gasp from her, while she weakly tried to pull it off, as he watched her fall on the floor while she wheezed for air.

Bratador stared at the dying woman before he turned away to receive a white cloth from his advisor to clean his bloody hands. "Plunge out her heart, we would need it for the ritual then discard her and have another person, in place of her. Frame whomever it is as a witch and burn her".

" And her husband and kids?". The advisor asked with a blank expression.

"Have him write a suicidal note and then hang him and the kids, of course". Bratador replied nonchalantly, handing the bloody cloth back to him, before stepping out of the cell room.

He paused his footsteps on recalling something before he turned to face the advisor who was already advancing toward the motionless woman. " One more thing, have the guards who were with us killed, I wouldn't be needing a tough time in future and hurry up with that. We have a court "meeting in the afternoon ".

"Yes, your majesty". The advisor consented, bowing to the man who was exiting the cell room.


" You scared me. What are you doing silently over there?". Emmeline asked, quickly placing the vial behind her, already scared that Cyrus might have seen her.

Cyrus stared at his shaken wife with a raised brow before pointing at the door "I heard someone stepping in, had to make sure it was no burglar". He winced at the end of his statement. His waist was still aching. " Why are you still nervous? And why are you concealing your hands?".

Emmeline felt her lungs knocked out of air. Her nosey husband. How was she supposed to hide the vial from this snout, there was no way to cast a disappearing spell without uttering a word and that was if she would recall any, which would ring an alarming bell to Cyrus. Having hunters trooping into her house to gun her and her granddaughter down was the last thing, she would ever want to happen.

Emmeline cleared her throat with a scrunched face, staring into her husband's eyes. "I already said you scared me. Do you expect me to dance, shaking my butt?"

Cyrus stared at her suspiciously, before leaning out of the wall, taking steps toward her, to see her, taking two steps away from every step he made. "That doesn't answer my question".

God save me. Emmeline prayed inwardly, she wished the ground to swallow her or a quick wind to blow her persistent husband away from her, right this instant. " It is - - - "

Cyrus cut her off, staring and pointing at her hands. "If you are hiding that bruise over there, sorry to inform you, I just saw it completely then". He said turning away, while Emmeline waited for him to completely depart before she threw her eyes to the arm that was bruised, breathing out a sigh as she inwardly thanked her luck.