What was the odd of secong meeting?

*Hedonia gracefully flicked her wrist, and the screen obediently illuminated, casting a vibrant glow across the hall. Another chapter of her memories unfolded.*

"Yow, Eudaemon, what's the commotion now? Last time our paths crossed, you nearly shattered our eardrums. And you know, I've grown quite attached to my ears. So, if you don't mind, show a bit of mercy today." Hedonia greeted the guardian spirits with a playful tone. Following last week's incident, both Hedonia and Amara had been treated to an hour-long lecture on the virtues of time and self-discipline. Unsurprisingly, the lecture had little impact on the ever-gracious and audacious Hedonia.

The guardian spirits behind the ethereal office table groaned collectively in a symphony of displeasure. "We have a new pupil today. We entrust you with the responsibility of guiding her through the intricacies of this ethereal realm," Eudaemon declared, casting an expectant gaze upon Hedonia. Intrigued by the prospect of a new pupil, Hedonia arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.

"You know me so well, Eudaemon! Naturally, you'd choose the best pupil to usher in the new one, wouldn't you?" Hedonia's words dripped with a playful arrogance as she reveled in her assumed status.

"No, it's simply because you happen to be the only one available at this moment," Eudaemon deadpanned, his response echoing with the mundane reality of the situation. "Wow, you wound me, old spirits. But never mind that, where is the new pupil?" Hedonia's theatrical inquiry resonated through the ethereal space. Eudaemon, with an air of weariness, pointed towards the backdoor before calling out the newcomer's name. "Lana, you can come out now!"

Hedonia's nonchalance faltered as her heart raced at the sound of that name. Could it be the Lana she knew? With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, she turned her gaze toward the backdoor, watching as the new pupil stepped into the ethereal realm. The moment her eyes met the newcomer, Hedonia's heart plummeted harder than the beat in her favorite song. "Lana?" she muttered, the name carrying an unexpected weight of surprise and emotion.

Once again, the kaleidoscope of Lana's eyes met the golden gaze of Hedonia. Lana's sweet smile seemed to hold the echoes of shared memories. "It's me. Hi, Hedonia. Looks like we meet again," Lana greeted, her voice carrying a melodic familiarity that Hedonia had missed dearly. "We meet again," Hedonia replied, returning Lana's smile with a mixture of joy and nostalgia.

Eudaemon's voice interrupted their brief reunion, pulling them back to the present. "Both of you already know each other? Good, then things will be easier," the guardian spirits stated, prompting Hedonia to clear her throat to conceal her embarrassment. "Yeah, we both met before," Lana smoothly answered, sparing Hedonia from further elaboration.

"I have no interest in how and when, so you both may go now," Eudaemon declared, his dismissal prompting a snort of amusement from Hedonia, who exchanged a knowing glance with Lana. Without wasting any time, Hedonia took the initiative. "Jealous much? Fine, let's go, Lana. Let's have some fun. You will not regret joining us!"

As Hedonia dragged Lana out of the room, they walked side by side. It was an unprecedented scenario for Hedonia, as she found herself unusually lost for words, unsure of how to navigate a conversation with the captivating girl beside her. "So, where are we going?" Lana's soft inquiry filled the air, prompting Hedonia to glance around before offering a mysterious smile.

"To meet the others. To meet the other Heavenly Kings and Queens," Hedonia proudly declared, relieved that her words flowed smoothly in Lana's presence.

"And I assume you are one? So where are we going to meet them?" Lana inquired, her eyes alight with curiosity. Hedonia widened her eyes in pleasant amazement. "Woah, you got it right! I am one of the Heavenly Kings and Queens."

Lana raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "Eh? I thought it was obvious?" Hedonia chuckled, shaking her head. "No. Usually, people never guess me as one of the Heavenly." Lana stared at her for a moment, then smiled softly. "So, I'm the first, huh?" Hedonia puffed her cheeks, nodding with a playful grin. "Yes, you are. So thank you for recognizing me."

A gentle hand suddenly patted Hedonia's head. She froze and glanced to her side, finding Lana's warm smile. "I am the first, but I'm sure I will not be the last. Not anymore, I promise. No need to thank me."

Hedonia widened her eyes, unconsciously leaning more into Lana's hand patting her head. "You are cute." Blushing in embarrassment, Hedonia turned away, her face rivaling the blush of a traditional Chinese opera singer and actress. "S-sstop it!" She distanced herself, hiding her red face from Lana's sight. "Let's just go meet the others." Hedonia quickly walked away from the pretty girl, trying to regain her composure.

After the playful encounter between Hedonia and Lana, the two of them continued their journey to meet the other heavenly kings and queens. As they walked through the ethereal halls of No Blood Building,Lana started sharing stories about her experiences and adventures from her universe, captivating Hedonia with tales of heroes, villains, and extraordinary events.

As they approached the grand hall where the others were gathered, Hedonia couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. The reunion with the heavenly kings and queens from different universes was about to take place, and the atmosphere was charged with cosmic energy.

Upon entering the hall, the other celestial beings welcomed Lana with open arms, recognizing her as one of their own. The air buzzed with conversation as they exchanged stories and insights from their respective realms. Hedonia, observing the interactions, couldn't shake the feeling that this gathering held a significance beyond their understanding.

Little did they know, this gathering would set in motion a series of events that would reshape the destinies of not only their own universes but the entire multiverse itself. The threads of fate were intricately woven, connecting each being in the hall to a greater cosmic design that transcended time and space.

"Nia, there you are. And who is this?" Lukas, the charismatic figure, appeared with Amara by his side, radiating an air of confidence. Amara greeted Lana and Hedonia with a warm smile. "You miss me, trash of humanity?" Lukas playful banter with Hedonia amused everyone, while Lana observed the dynamic between the trio.

"Trash of humanity? What did you do to earn that title?" Lana asked Lukas, her soft voice contrasting the tension in the air. Lukas, offering a charming smile to Lana, dismissed the insult. "Ignore her words. I do." He threw a disdainful look at Hedonia before addressing Lana. "Anyways, I don't seem to recall you walking in this hallway. I take it that you're new here? And this abomination of nature is appointed to be your guide?" Hedonia, ready to retaliate, was surprised when Lana calmly responded.

"Yes, I'm new here. The name is Lana, and yes, she's my guide. And she's a good one at that." Hedonia couldn't resist smirking, mouthing a triumphant 'Well, it's me!' to Lukas. The playful banter and unspoken tension set the stage for the unfolding cosmic drama.

"Wait, you are the girl from the cafe, right? The one that Hedonia bumped into?" Amara's eyes sparkled with recognition as she connected the dots. Lana, with her ethereal grace, confirmed, "That's me. And you are?"

"I'm Amara, this one problematic girl's best friend, and this arrogant but charming gentleman here is Lukas. Pleasure to meet you again, this time we meet properly, and I hope you will have a great time here," Amara warmly introduced herself, extending a hand in greeting.

Lana, with a silent grace, reciprocated the gesture. "How lucky of you to have a very great and cute best friend like her. I take that you are the second High Queen of I-Land? And Lukas is the High King?" Lana's perception seemed to pierce through the cosmic veils.

Lukas blinked in surprise, glancing at Hedonia. "You told her?" Hedonia, shaking her head in denial, clarified, "No, she's not the second High Queen. she's just a normal member. But you got Lukas right.Sadly honestly."

Amara chuckled, finding the unfolding cosmic drama highly entertaining. "Well, well, Hedonia here doesn't give me enough credit. I'm practically a force to be reckoned with, even without a royal title."

Lukas, regaining his composure, leaned against the hallway wall with an air of nonchalance. "Normal member or not, we're all peculiar in our own ways. And what brings you to I- Land, Lana? It's not every day we welcome someone new."

Lana's gaze shifted between Lukas and Hedonia. "I-Land has a knack for second chances, and I guess I'm here to make the most of mine."

Hedonia smirked, finding Lana's answer intriguing. "Well said. And believe me, you're in for quite the cosmic adventure. We've got guardian spirits, memory manipulation, and a fair share of unexpected twists. Not to mention the charming company." She gestured playfully between Lukas and Amara.Amara winked at Lana. "Buckle up, Lana. Life in I- Land is anything but ordinary."

"I heard that you are known as Memory Stealing Witch?Now that I remember words on streets."Lana asked Hedonia. Hedonia chuckled, the nickname not taking her by surprise. "Ah, the rumors do precede me. Memory Stealing Witch, they say. Well, I prefer to think of it as Memory Maestro. Less ominous, don't you think?"

Lukas interjected, "Don't let her sweet talk you. She has a knack for weaving memories and dreams. Just be cautious when she invites you to play chess. She might be plotting something."

Hedonia feigned innocence, "Me? Plotting? Never!" She winked at Lana, "But I promise, no memory meddling unless you ask for it. Now, tell me, what kind of memories are you carrying? Secrets, dreams, or perhaps a love story?"

Lana smirked, "Maybe a bit of everything. But, I'm more interested in discovering the memories of this intriguing cosmic realm."

Amidst the tapestry of conversations, a celestial serenade unfolded, a melody so ethereal that it echoed through the cosmic corridors. The dulcet tones wove through the air like threads of stardust, each note a delicate constellation in the celestial symphony. The singer's voice, like a celestial muse, painted an unseen mural of cosmic wonders, inviting all who listened into a dance of dreams and memories.

I wish that the sun would have guided me,

That the wind would have sung sweet melodies,

That the rain could have washed away my sorrow.

But time is cruel,

And my feelings fade as the sun does,

So I am left,

Alone in this endless night

Lana fell silent, her attention diverted from the conversation as she embarked on a quest to trace the origin of the enchanting melody. Her eyes, reflecting the kaleidoscope of curiosity, scanned the celestial expanse, seeking the elusive source of the captivating music that resonated like a celestial echo.

As the darkness falls once more,

I'll look to the stars

For what hope they hold

That I will not be alone,

And my pain will not be my home

My home,my home,my home

My pain will not be my home

And i will not be alone

Home alone

The rain pours down on me unceasingly

Trying  to wash away my feelings

Maybe everything in this world is a pointless game

But I guess,I'll keep on living

And my feelings fade as the sun does,

So I am left,

Alone in this endless night

The intricate dance of notes had beckoned her, and now, amidst the cosmic gathering, Lana set sail on a celestial voyage, guided by the entrancing song.

As the darkness falls once more,

I'll look to the stars

For what hope they hold

That I will not be alone,

And my pain will not be my home

My home,my home,my home

My pain will not be my home

And i will not be alone

Home alone

One thing after another

just like a machine,

Everything will change

Yes,but not today

Slowly day by day

In the ethereal glow of the hall, Lana's gaze, filled with intrigue, gravitated toward a captivating figure nestled in the corner—a melody weaver surrounded by a celestial audience. The singer, adorned with a radiant tan and a cascade of dark hair resembling the profound night sky, seemed to illuminate the space with her golden voice.

Hedonia, attuned to Lana's curiosity, swiftly unveiled the identity of the enchanting vocalist. "That is the other High Queen, Sofea. A truly exceptional singer with a voice as luminous as her spirit." Lana, appreciating the insight, offered a thankful smile, captivated by the exquisite talent unfolding before her. "Such a lovely voice. What a remarkable talent."

And fate is blind,

but love is kind

For love shall take me back,

and wash away my sorrow.

I shall emerge into the light tomorrow .

Sofea concluded her song with a breathtaking verse, a celestial cadence that hung in the air like a lingering enchantment. Applause erupted from every corner of the room, resonating as a collective expression of gratitude—an acknowledgment of how her voice had delicately woven its way into the tapestry of every heart, leaving an indelible mark of awe and admiration.

Hedonia, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, led Lana toward Sofea, Lukas, and Amara, intending to introduce them. The melodious echo of Sofea's song still lingered in the air, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

"Hedonia! Who's this lovely soul you've brought to our little gathering?" Sofea greeted with a warm smile, her voice carrying the same gentle cadence that enchanted the entire hall moments ago.

Hedonia winked playfully. "Sofea, meet Lana. Newcomer from another universe. Lana, meet Sofea, our illustrious High Queen of Harmony and the Soulful Serenade."

Sofea extended a welcoming hand to Lana. "Pleasure to meet you, Lana. I hope you find our little cosmic abode to your liking."

Lana, still enchanted by Sofea's recent performance, shook her hand with genuine excitement. "Your voice is incredible, Sofea. It's an honor to meet you. And Hedonia, you never mentioned we had a High Queen of Harmony here."

Hedonia chuckled. "Well, surprise is my specialty. Also, you've already meet Lukas, our charming High King of Nonexistent Unearthly Wisdom, and Amara, my partner in crime and the resident troublemaker."

Lukas flashed a charismatic smile. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lana. Hedonia's tales might not do justice to our realm, but you'll find it's quite an intriguing place."

Amara, with her characteristic grin, added, "Hedonia's version tends to be a bit dramatic, though."

Lana laughed, finding herself at ease with the lively group. "I'm looking forward to discovering everything this place has to offer. And now the last High King,perhaps fate will weave our paths together in a dance of cosmic connection. And as for the Empress, her identity remains veiled in the mysteries of the celestial tapestry. Oh, the fortune it would be if, by some twist of fate, I became the first to unravel the secrets held by the enigmatic Empress."

As Lana continued her exploration of I-Land, she expressed her aspirations to Sofea,Hedonia, Lukas, and Amara. Four of them exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

Hedonia, with her characteristic playful smirk, responded, "Oh, the elusive High King. He's a bit of a mystery, even for us. But who knows, fate has its own way of weaving connections in this cosmic tapestry."

Lukas, the epitome of charm, added, "The Empress, on the other hand, is a figure shrouded in enigma. Her identity is a celestial secret, guarded by the cosmos itself."

Amara, ever the pragmatist, teased Lana, "Well, good luck with that. If you manage to unveil the identity of the Empress, you might become the talk of the entire I-Land."

"Who knows? Perhaps she's among us this exact moment,concealed by the fabric of reality. Or, could it be that she exists as nothing more than a vivid memory, lingering in the corridors of time and space."Lana, with a playful glint in her kaleidoscope eyes, teased the group with a whimsical remark that danced through the air like a fleeting note in a lighthearted melody.

As the melodious chatter and introductions continued, an abrupt interruption shattered the serenity of the moment – a blaring emergency alarm echoed through the hall, its urgency sending a jolt through everyone present. The lively atmosphere shifted, replaced by a sense of alertness.