Chapter 12 - Backstabbing

Knowing that Ma Wen was joking, Yu Ying didn't care, stepped aside, and dialed Luo Li's phone.

Soon, the call was connected.

Luo Li's pleasant voice came across: "Ms. Xiao, hello."

"Hello, Ms. Luo Li, I have something, I want to ask you for help." Yu Ying said embarrassedly.

"Well, say it." Luo Li agreed.

Yu Ying organized a few words, took a deep breath, and said courageously: "I want to ask if the Chairman is free tomorrow night. We want to hold a banquet at home and officially announce the cooperation with Emgrand Group. I hope the Chairman can appreciate it and bless us with his presence"

Luo Li was silent for a while, then replied: "Ms. Xiao, I can't do this, or else, I can help you ask the Chairman's opinion?"

Yu Ying respectfully said, "Thank you, then I will trouble you."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Ying held the phone in some anxiety, waiting for news from the other party.

At this moment, Ma Wen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ma Wen was taken aback, and then he scolded himself in his heart. He forgot to mute the phone. It must be Luo Li who called to ask his opinion.

Ma Wen answered the phone with a calm expression on his face, and said "Yeah".

Luo Li's voice came from the other side, "Chairman, the Xiao family is going to hold a banquet tomorrow night. Would you like to go there?"

Ma Wen replied: "Oh, that's it, its okay, and I'll be fine. Just hang up."

After that, Ma Wen hung up the phone quickly, and then mumbled, "These sales promotion is really annoying."

Yu Ying didn't doubt anything, but shortly afterward, her mobile phone rang again.

Luo Li's voice came over again, "Ms. Xiao, our Chairman has agreed, and will pass by then!"

"Really, that's great, thank you for your help, and thanks to the Chairman for agreeing." Yu Ying was suddenly very excited. She did not expect that the other party would actually agree to it.

Yu Ying hurriedly said to Mrs. Xiao: "Grandma! The Chairman of the Emgrand Group has already agreed!"

"Really?!" Mrs. Xiao was suddenly excited!

After that, she immediately said to the Xiao family present: "Go and prepare for me! Order the best hotel, order the best meals and drinks, and prepare to welcome the Emgrand Group Chairman!"

"In addition, inform all the big companies in the city and invite them to our banquet! Tell them that the Emgrand Chairman will appreciate their presence!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire Xiao family became busy!

Everyone was extremely excited, constantly contacting various partners and the upper-class figures of Huadong City.

This is undoubtedly a blockbuster!

For a time, the entire Huadong City learned of this news.

The mysterious new Chairman of the Emgrand Group will soon appear at the Xiao's banquet tomorrow!

Mrs. Xiao received countless inquiries, and she responded with a smile.

She is so happy today, because as soon as the banquet is over tomorrow, the Xiao family will definitely become Huadong's hottest family!

Thinking of this, she smiled excitedly and said: "Okay, come here today and start preparing for tomorrow's banquet, the meeting is over!"

At the end of the meeting, Mrs. Xiao returned to her office.

Li Bo rolled his eyes and followed closely.

"Grandma, are you really going to give Yu Ying the position of director?"

When he walked to a place where there was no one, Li Bo couldn't help but speak directly.

Old Mrs. Xiao frowned slightly, and said coldly: "I have promised Yu Ying, why I can't give it to her?"

Li Bo still insisted: "Grandma, you can't let her be the director!"

The Lady Xiao asked back: "Why? She won such a big contract. She is the company's hero and deserves to be entitled."

Li Bo hurriedly said: "Yu Ying was able to win the Emgrand contract because Bao from the Jiang family was behind her back. I heard that Bao went to her house yesterday! Emgrand Group signed a contract with us today. What a coincidence? You see, 80% of it is because she slept with Bao!"

The Old Mrs. Xiao looked sullen and said: "What you said is true?"

Li Bo said plausibly, "Of course it is true. Bao did go to see Yu Ying last night. You can find out after checking."

After that, Li Bo said to Mrs. Xiao again: "Grandma, she is a married woman at first. If the matter between her and Bao is spread, and other people know that our Xiao family got the Emgrand Group contract by this means. Where do you put the face of the Xiao family? Where do you put your face?"

Old Mrs. Xiao frowned, she had already believed most of it in her heart.

Bao liked Yu Ying, she knew it.

On her birthday, Bao also gave a jade amulet worth three or four million.

This also reasonably explained why Yu Ying was able to get a 60 million contract.

At this time, Li Bo said: "If you let such a shameless woman be the director, then our reputation will be even worse. At this time, we must choose someone else to be the director, and then we will also give credibility to the project. Go to other people, and it's best to choose a man, this can avoid gossip to the greatest extent!"

Old Mrs. Xiao nodded gently.

She believed Li Bo's words 80%.

Looking at it this way, she really have to choose another director to eliminate rumors.

If everyone knows that Yu Ying and Bao slept together before they get the contract, she can explain to the outside that she is getting the project with the new director, and she is definitely not relying on Yu Ying to sell her body.

Moreover, the Lady Xiao has a selfish heart.

She really doesn't like Yu Ying! Moreover, she has always favored sons over daughters, and does not want to see Yu Ying's status and strength in the Xiao family grow.

She must be contained to ensure that the Xiao family's assets will not leak to outsiders.

When she thought of this, she had already made up her mind.

So, she looked at Li Bo and said coldly, "Li Bo, in the future, you must listen to me. You can do what I ask you to do. You can never do what I don't let you do. Understand?"

Li Bo immediately said faithfully, "Grandma, don't worry. What you say in the future will be what Li Bo will do. I will fight wherever you refer!"

"Yeah." Mrs. Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and said: "At the banquet tomorrow, I will tell everyone that you are the new director and are fully responsible for the cooperation with the Emgrand Group, but you must remember that you must be obedient. I can lift you up, and I can also step on you!"

Li Bo was ecstatic in his heart and quickly said, "Grandma, don't worry! Li Bo will be obedient!"