Chapter 41 – Wang Family?

Fei Qun was so frightened that he shivered and said, "Brother Biao, I belong to the Wang family."

"Wang family?" Brother Biao grinned and said, "What is the Wang family!"

Brother Biao spat out disdainfully, kicked Fei Qun to the ground, and said coldly: "The master Hong Wu just taught a lesson to a stupid Wang family yesterday and was given 10,000 slaps in the face. You fucking dare to follow him. Mention the king's name in his house?

"Huh?" Fei Qun was frightened suddenly.

He thought that his brother was robbed by a gangster, but he did not expect that it was actually Hong Wu who beat him!

Just as he was splitting his guts, Brother Biao directly raised the stick and slammed it down against his head!


Fei Qun only felt the world spin, his head buzzed, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and his consciousness was instantly blurred.

Li Jun screamed loudly in horror instantly!

Fei Qun is her fiancé and her only chance to marry into the Wang family. If something happens, her life will be over.

"Ambulance, call an ambulance!"

Li Jun yelled in a panic, and tremblingly took out the phone, but was too scared to press anymore, she could only keep screaming.

Brother Biao frowned and said cursingly: "You little filth, you dare to call. Gouge her mouth, let me see how she speaks!"

"Yes, Brother Biao!"

When the boys heard this, they all showed cruel smiles.

What they like most is to destroy the flowers with their hands, especially Li Jun's savage flowers.

Li Jun panicked immediately, madly trying to step back, but there was a wall behind her, and there was nowhere to hide.

"Come here, bitch!"

A one-eyed man grabbed Li Jun's hair viciously and directly pulled her up abruptly.

Then, facing Li Jun's face, the one-eyed man shook his arms and violently twitched.

These little brothers are all ruthless people who have been fighting with Brother Biao for many years.

In just two or three strokes, Li Jun's face was as swollen as a pig's head, blood mixed with saliva and flowed down.

A woman being beaten like this will leave indelible marks on her face even if treated in time, which is almost equivalent to disfigurement!

Seeing that Brother Biao was so cruel, Xiao Yan shivered again, leaning on Ma Wen's back, and the two of them were almost close to each other.

At this time, Brother Biao saw Ma Wen and Xiao Yan in the corner, and gave an order: "And the two of them, beat them to death! Dare to occupy the diamond box that I prepared for the distinguished guests. They are equally guilty!"

That little brother had never felt pity for delicate bodies, so he reached out and grabbed Xiao Yan.

"I see who dares to move her!"

Ma Wen's eyes became extremely cold, and he kicked the brawny man to the ground.

Seeing this, Brother Biao's face sank, and he directly scolded, "Who the fuck are you?"

Ma Wen said lightly: "I am someone you can't afford to offend!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Ma Wen shook his head and dialed Hong Wu directly.

"Mr. Hong Wu, I'm in the diamond box right now, come down and meet me immediately!"

After speaking, Ma Wen hung up the phone and looked at Brother Biao coldly.

Xiao Yan's face was pale, Li Bo just boasted to know Mr. Hong Wu, and the result was so miserable. Ma Wen dared to say such disrespectful words in front of Brother Biao, and maybe his life too was gone.

Li Jun, who was drawn into a pig's head on the side, heard Ma Wen's words, her eyes were extremely horrified. This grandson is still pretending to be forceful at this time, is he trying to kill everyone?

Brother Biao sneered unceremoniously: "If you dare to offend the master Hong Wu in front of me, I think you are tired of your life or crooked in the head."

When the voice fell to the ground, Brother Biao waved his hand to the boys and said viciously: "Kill him for me!"

Suddenly, Hong Wu shouted from outside the box: "Damn, Biao, you fucking want to die, don't you? Even Mr. Ma Wen, you dares to strike, I fucking chopped you to feed the dog, believe it or not!"

Brother Biao was shocked as if struck by lightning!