Chapter 49 - BMW

Ma Wen didn't get angry. Instead he laughed, and asked him, "If you sell this car, how much can you get?"

The other party said contemptuously: "I can raise ten thousand of commission!"

Ma Wen nodded: "Very well, you lost ten thousand."

After speaking, Ma Wen turned and went out.

He met the manager of this store coming in, and the name of the sales manager: Wu Lei Jia was written on his's badge.

So Ma Wen asked him: "Are you the person in charge here?"

"Yes." Wu Lei Jia nodded, "What are your needs?"

Ma Wen pointed to the sales just now and said to him: "You'd better turn that sale off. As long as he is here, it will only delay the business of your 4s store."

When the man heard this, he rushed over and said, "Manager Wu Lei, don't listen to his nonsense, this man is sick! He just came to use the air-conditioning and Wi-Fi!"

Ma Wen smiled and said, "If I am rag, just wait and see."

After speaking, he immediately went out and went directly to the BMW showroom next door.

As soon as he arrived at the BMW store, Ma Wen saw one of the most luxurious BMW 760. This is the top accessory of the BMW 7 Series. It is the most expensive model of BMW.

The BMW 760 has a 12-cylinder engine, which is extremely powerful, and the interior is a luxurious mess.

He is also a little angry, don't these Audi idiots look down on him? OK, then I will buy a top-fitting BMW for you to see.

Anyway, this lord has money!

So he directly greeted a BMW salesperson and asked: "This 760, can I just take it away?"

The other girl was stunned: "Brother, this car has just arrived in the showroom today. Are you sure you want to buy it?"

"Yes." Ma Wen nodded: "I'm sure, take me to swipe the card!"

"Ah? This car is 2.6 million!" The other party was utterly dumbfounded.

She's been selling cars for a long time and has never seen a customer who comes in and asks for a card swipe without saying anything.

Isn't this elder brother here to amuse himself?

Ma Wen smiled and said: "I know, I see the price, you just say you sell it or not!"

"Sell, sell, of course," the little girl said happily: "Then please!"

Immediately afterward, under the leadership of the other party, Ma Wen swiped his card, paid, and picked up the car in one go.

When the 2.6 million BMW 760 came out, the people in the Audi store looked stupid.

Ma Wen drove the BMW 760 directly to the entrance of the Audi store, then opened the trunk and put his electric bike in, and then he drove away in a flashy exit.

The salesman who looked down on Ma Wen was stunned. The Manager Wu Lei Jia next to him said with a cold face: "Go to the HR and collect your dues, you are fired!"



The employees in other Audi stores were also scared silly. Damn! No one would have thought that the person riding an electric bike was so arrogant, with a car of more than 2.6 million, and he would buy it!

The salesman who despised Ma Wen was even more regretful. Not only did he miss a major customer, missed tens of thousands of commissions, but also lost his job. If he had known this way, he would not look down upon others.

Here, when Ma Wen drove the BMW 760 out, he felt a little impulsive just now.

He didn't feel sorry for the money, but the car was too expensive. How could he explain it to Yu Ying?

Two million six hundred thousand, it can't fall from the sky?