Chapter 54 – Can’t Afford

His BMW 520 has only 184 horsepower, while his own car has 340 horsepower, which is near twice as high! How can he overtake him so easily?!

The classmates watching the excitement are also dumbfounded.

No one thought that Ma Wen, who everyone thought was bound to lose, turned out to be like an arrow shot from the string of a bow, instantly surpassing Fei Qun, and suddenly leaving him far behind!

Before Fei Qun ran halfway, Ma Wen had already turned around at the end of the road!

When Fei Qun was about to turn around, Ma Wen had already driven the car back to the starting point!

Ma Wen had won!

And won with a crushing advantage!

Fei Qun just turned around and came back, and saw that Ma Wen had reached the end, his whole body almost collapsed!

What happened?

What the hell is going on?!

When did the BMW 520 become double the BMW 540?

No! This bastard must have modified his car!

Oh shithead! Take a modified car to pit against me? Damn it!

He gritted his teeth and drove the car back in front of everyone, Ma Wen was already clapping with Yu Ying to celebrate the victory.

The surrounding students were all dumbfounded, and until now they couldn't figure out why Ma Wen's 520 was so fast!

Fei Qun stopped the car and walked out angrily and roared: "Damn, Ma Wen! You drove a modified car, right? This is not fair! The modified car has so much power than mine, how can it be compared?"

Ma Wen sneered and said, "Hey, Fei Qun, just now you said that motivation is more important, technology and courage are not. Now if you lose, you will be shameful?"

"I didn't!" Fei Qun's expression flashed a little panic, and he said arrogantly: "You cheated me!"

Xiao Yan said contemptuously: "Fei Qun, you are nothing but words, it is really disgusting! Don't forget the poisonous oath you just made, if anyone who lose does not honor the bet, his whole family will die!"

"Yes!" Many of the classmates who were waiting to see Ma Wen's jokes are now dissatisfied with Fei Qun. They can see that this person really can't afford to lose, such a shameful person, he is not the one who picked up things by himself yet dare to cash out.

So someone opened his mouth and said: "Fei Qun, you are too boring. Everyone has witnessed it. You have to compare yourself with Ma Wen. You also said that your motivation matters. If you lose, your whole family is dead. Now you have to cheat yourself. Is it obvious that the whole family would die and you will not honor the gambling bet?"

"Yeah!" A girl said: "Fei Qun, everyone used to think you are particularly masculine, and you say one thing and do it, but we didn't expect you to be such a chicken head!"

Others said: "I can see what Fei Qun is like! He is a double-standard dog! If Ma Wen had lost, he will definitely not let Ma Wen go easily! Now that he loses, he starts to play rascals. It's rubbish!"

Fei Qun's face was blue and white.

To be honest, he had just bought this car for less than a month and spent more than 700,000 before and after.

If you really throw 30,000-ring firecrackers and light them, then this car will be a total lost!

This is his own car! He usually doesn't allow any small scratches or dust to appear, so why would he be willing to throw firecrackers into it?

However, with so many classmates looking at him, now that he has obviously lost the popular support, if he continues to persevere in shamelessness, then the classmates will definitely not get along with him in the future.

They even will say everywhere that he had lost the bet, and would rather carry the betting curse that the whole family died, and would never honor the bet.

Thinking of this, his heart was shaken.

If I don't light the firecrackers, I will ruin my own fame!

At this moment, Ma Wen suddenly said, "Fei Qun, everyone is a classmate. You can't be joking. Your car is quite expensive. If you don't want to, you shouldn't have make a bet."

Fei Qun breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

However, the surrounding students immediately discussed: "Oh! Ma Wen is still so kindhearted. It's really shameful to see Fei Qun!"

"Yeah! Ma Wen realized that he couldn't afford to lose, so he gave him a step-down!"

Fei Qun's self-esteem suddenly burst, and he yelled: "Who the hell said I can't afford to lose? What about firecrackers, give them to me! Since I can afford to gamble, naturally I can afford to lose!"

At this moment, Ma Wen wiped a smile on the corner of his mouth.