Chapter 86

"Two bosses, I was coming out in a hurry today, and I took the wrong bottle."

"You got it wrong?" Ma Wen smiled, and picked up a snuff bottle full of mud, digging into the mud on the bottle mouth with his hand, shone it to the sun, and said with a seriousness: "This is not wrong. It is made in Sioux City."

In the snuff bottle, there was a row of small transparent characters.

"Made by Suzhou Crafts Factory."

"I don't know how to read, who knows what's written on it." The boss saw that he didn't even do business. He sneered and wrapped the oiled paper cloth and wanted to grease the soles of his feet.

This time Dai Fu was completely in his senses, and he was so angry after realizing that he was treated like a monkey for a long time.

He grabbed the boss and roared.

"You liar, return the money to me."

"What kind of money, I have never seen you before." The boss struggled hard, and from the oil paper cloth he was holding in his hand, fake copper coins and fake jade horses kept dropping.

The jade horse fell on the ground without breaking. It seems to be made of hardened plastic.

"If you don't refund the money, I'll call the police!" Dai Fu screamed, his lungs exploded with anger.

While the two were pulling each other, a thing suddenly fell from the boss's arms.

At the moment this thing fell, Ma Wen frowned suddenly and stared at the things on the ground.

This thing is a fist-sized white pebble, just like the pebble on the river beach, gray and matt.

But one difference is that this cobblestone is carved with the words "Safe and Rich!"

The fonts are crude and shoddy, and at first glance, they are carved up manually.

This kind of engraved stone is everywhere in the scenic area, and it is not worth any money. No wonder the boss didn't put it out just now.

However, Ma Wen walked up with a stride, picked up the stone, and the blood all over his body suddenly boiled.

Just now, he felt a different kind of breath exuding from this antique!

Said it is breath, in fact, it is more like a kind of energy, a kind of magnetic field, which has produced a strong attraction to him.

Ma Wen knew that this should be the spiritual energy recorded in the Nine Profound Heavenly Sutra!

Qi is a mysterious energy that has been lost for a long time. It can not only completely transform a person's physical fitness, but can even cultivate and produce many incredible effects for ordinary people!

Ma Wen was overjoyed while calmly weighed the pebbles in his hand, and asked, "Is this yours?"

The boss froze for a moment, and nodded subconsciously, "Yes."

"How to sell this stone?"

Dai Fu was also surprised and asked, "Why would you buy this broken stone? Don't you know that this seller only sell all fakes?!"

"It's just a piece of stone. It's okay to buy one and go back to be unlucky." Ma Wen said with a smile.

The boss took the opportunity to break away from Dai Fu's hand and sneered at Ma Wen: "Do you really want to buy?"

Ma Wen nodded: "I do."

The boss suddenly became energetic, and said eloquently, "Brother, you are really insightful! Don't look at my pebble, but it is of extraordinary origin. It was placed on the Dragon Case in Lord Qiandi's study as paperweight"

Ma Wen didn't have time to listen to his long talk and interrupted impatiently.

"Don't talk to me about these nonsense, just go straight to the point!"

The boss laughed and said, "Since you are an expert, then 20,000!"

Ma Wen said disdainfully: "You really are money crazy, right? One price, three hundred! If you don't sell, I will call the police to arrest you."

"Three hundred?" The boss sighed and said with a dry smile: "Brother, you are a person who knows the goods. Three hundred is three hundred."

Ma Wen smiled slightly and pinched the stone in his hand.

Dai Fu was puzzled. He didn't know why he bought such a broken stone. Just about to ask a question, there was a screaming voice next to him.

"Yeah, this stone is good, my master wants it!"


Hearing this voice, Ma Wen frowned and looked up to see who it is.

He saw a young man wearing a white linen suit, black shoes, and all kinds of bracelets and rings, walking towards his side.

Although it was daylight, he wore a pair of antique gold-rimmed glasses with two round black glass plates, mimic the kind of "civilization mirror" that the late Qing dynasty wore.

The young man was followed by four or five bodyguards. Compared with his looks, these bodyguards were much more fierce and evil. Every one next to him quickly moved away to avoid causing trouble.

It turned out to be Ao Dong!

As soon as the boss saw the young man, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled, and the flattering words came out of his mouth like running water: "Mr. Ao Dong, why didn't you say anything in advance when you came here today? I'd have gone to the entrance to welcome you."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I will just take a look today." The young man waved his hand impatiently.

He strode forward, took a look at the stone in Ma Wen's hand, and raised his head to ask the boss: "Liang De Lan, put this stone up for me! There happened to be a pile of paper needed a paperweight stone on my dad's desk. It is just right to use this!"

"This…" the tiny and long eye boss gave a dry smile, looked at Ma Wen with a grimace, and said to please: "Mr. Ao Dong, this is really unfortunate! The stone has been bought by this brother! Actually, this stone is nothing special. Except for the press paper, it has no use for anything. I have specially reserved better products for you. What is the beauty of the worthless stones? Only the top quality products are worthy of your identity."

Ma Wen knew that this boss was named Liang De Lan, and he seemed to know this young man.

However, he was also amazed at Liang De Lan's lip service.

He's really praising left and right to people and just like talking nonsense to ghosts.

Liang De Lan quickly took out the hardened plastic jade horse, splashing in his mouth, "Mr. Ao Dong, this is the beloved object of the former imperial concubine. You see, this jade is crystal clear, and the jade is of good quality, so let's not talk too much. For the sake of Mr. Ao Dong, the price will be the same as you bought the celadon cup yesterday. You can take it for nine thousand!"

Dai Fu was speechless when he heard that, the same fake celadon cup, he dare to sell for three hundred and still take advantage of it. He didn't expect that Ao Dong actually spent nine thousand!

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mr. Ao Dong was impatient at hearing, kicked Liang De Lan to the side, and said arrogantly: "I just like this stone, you give it to me, I will give you Twenty thousand!"

When Liang De Lan heard 20,000, his heart suddenly became excited, and he turned his head and said to Ma Wen: "Brother, how about you give it to Ao Dong?"

Ma Wen frowned and said coldly, "This is something I bought, and I don't want to transfer it to others."

"Who asked you to transfer it? You haven't paid any money, whoever paid for it belongs to who!" Mr. Ao Dong said impatiently, then took out a wallet from his arms, took a stack of banknotes, and threw them on Liang De Lan's face.

"No need to look, for 20,000, I'll take it."

Liang De Lan's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the banknotes in his hand and smiled at Ma Wen: "Brother, I also have an inkstone paperweight from Emperor Kangxi. It is better to keep it than this."

Ma Wen smiled and said, "Liang De Lan, you don't need to break business ethic right? I bought this paperweight first, and I am not interested in giving it to others."

Seeing Ma Wen didn't let go, Liang De Lan couldn't help it.

After all, according to the rules of the antique transaction, it is first come first serve, and if he breaks the rules, he will not be able to work in this antique street as soon as the news spreads.

Liang De Lan had no choice but to turn around nodded, and said to Mr. Ao Dong: "Mr. Ao Dong, this paperweight is really not a good thing, there is something better in my house."

Before he could finish his words, Mr. Ao Dong kicked his waist and cursed: "You dare to act with me? I have bought several things from you. Now you actually turn your elbow away to help a poor man?"

Liang De Lan was kicked and sat on the ground, clutching his waist and grunting, complaining: "Mr. Ao Dong, if he doesn't give it to me, I can't help it."

As he said, he winked Ma Wen vigorously, wanting him to let the stone out.

Just by looking at Ma Wen's clothes and manners, he knew that he didn't have much money in his family, and he had no power or influence.


But Ao Dong is different. He is the famous rich second-generation in the literary and entertainment world, and he hasn't felt a shortage of money since he was born.

Liang De Lan didn't want to offend Ao Dong or break the rules, so he winked at Ma Wen.

Ma Wen had seen Liang De Lan's hint a long time ago, but he ignored it and said faintly, "No."

Liang De Lan was really helpless, so he could only sit on the ground and hum, so as not to be vented by Mr. Ao Dong again.

"Look at you waste!"

Mr. Ao Dong cursed with his eyebrows crossed and had to raise his head and glance at Ma Wen with a slanted eye. He said with money in his hands, "You bought it for three hundred. I will pay thirty thousand. Give it to me!"

The crowd onlookers made a sound of inhalation, and they all looked at Ma Wen, their eyes full of jealousy.

The price of things bought for three hundred increased by a hundred times before the heat was covered. This is an obvious profit!

Besides that pebble, anyone who knows the goods can see that it was picked up on the river beach. This kind of broken stone, there are many can be found on the river beach, where it is the goddess paperweight!

Dai Fu was also a little excited. After all, he made more than two thousand when he changed hands. Not to mention making up for what he lost yesterday, he could still make a little profit.

Ma Wen raised his head, smiled at Mr. Ao Dong, and said: "I already said so, not selling. Even if you pay 300,000, I still will give these words to you."


Mr. Ao Dong's face suddenly became ugly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

There were crowds all around, Ma Wen flatly refused in public, didn't this make him ashamed?

"Turtle! You want to have trouble with me, right?" Ao Dong sneered fiercely: "Don't you know, in this antique street, which one of the things that Ao Dong likes can't be bought?"

"Today you have to sell, and if you don't, you still have to sell!"

After Ao Dong finished speaking, he waved his hand behind him.

The bodyguards suddenly hulled and surrounded Ma Wen.

The crowd around him also stated to panic.

Even Dai Fu was stunned.

The Qin family in Huadong?

That is a wealthy and distinguished family even more prominent than Fei Qun's family!

No wonder Mr. Ao Dong spends nine thousand to buy a counterfeit celadon cup. He doesn't feel distressed at all. People don't care about money at all. If it is genuine or not, he just buys it for fun!

Several bodyguards surrounded Ma Wen, aggressively.

Dai Fu was afraid of those bodyguards, so he winked at Ma Wen and asked him to quickly bring things to Mr. Ao Dong.

Ma Wen looked faintly, glanced at the surrounding bodyguards, and said: "I'm still saying that, not selling! If you want to take advantage of the situation, I can only tell you, my things, no one can take it away! It won't work for you as well!"

"What's wrong with me?" Ao Dong looked arrogant and raised his chin to scold, "I tell you, I am the king of heaven! You, a turtle who wants to fight with me are ten years earlier!"