Chapter 92

Li Bo was so frightened that he almost wet his pants.

At this time, he was shocked and pushed Xiao Yan out. As Xiao Yan was pushed out suddenly, she was shock and shouted out loud: "Aah!" She was confused as who would push her during this time.

Seeing that Xiao Yan was still confused and shocked, Li Bo took advantage of this golden opportunity, and ran to his car. He opened the door quickly, sat in, then started the car and fled the scene without hesitation.

Xiao Yan was finally aware of what was happening, she was about to explode from anger!

This Li Bo is really a bastard!

He caused the trouble himself, but at the critical moment, he as man, actually pushed her, a woman, to block the gun and ran away?

In this world, can you find a second scum like him?

Seeing Li Bo run away, the young man cursed.

"This bastard left the woman and ran by himself. What a waste!"

After all, he stared at Xiao Yan and said coldly: "Beauty, call that bastard back to me. Otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Xiao Yan blurted out: "I don't know him well, please don't involve me in your affairs."

The young man pointed to his head holding the gauze and said coldly: "Damn, I have sixteen stitches on my head. I can't breathe properly, and I can't eat anything! If he doesn't come to save you, you can follow me back and serve me for a whole night is the compensation you have to pay!"

Xiao Yan blurted out: "How can you do this! This is illegal!"

"Illegal?" The young man said coldly, "My words are the rule! After I finish with you, you will find out what is legal and what is not!"

Xiao Yan shivered for a while. Her panic and despair almost obliterated her.

She hurriedly said: "I'll call him now!"

After that, she took out his cell phone and called Li Bo.

Li Bo was driving desperately, thinking that the further he could escape, the better it is. But when he suddenly saw Xiao Yan was calling him, his heart shook with regrets.

This is it!

Damn, what bad luck!

He wanted to get in touch with her and build a relationship with the Dong family, so that the family can ascend up.

Now all of it is down the drain. Xiao Yan has been severely offended!

However, how would he dare to answers the phone at this time?

Answering the phone is nothing more than going back, even fools can guess the next step.

But, would he be able to stay alive when he go back? The gang is extremely aggressive and they were all carrying steel pipes. Even if they don't take his life, he is afraid that he will be disabled for life.

Women are important, but life is more important to him!

So he decided to continue to escape, regardless of her call!

Xiao Yan couldn't get through the call, and she was becoming desperate.

She pleaded to the young man: "I can give you money, please let me go. It's really none of my business."

The young man grinned and said: "I don't want your money! I want your body!"

Xiao Yan was so scared that she knew that if she didn't do anything, this person would not let her go.

So, while the other party was not on guard, she gritted her teeth and kicked between the young man's legs.

The young man didn't expect that she would dare to resist. He was kicked straight in the crotch, his was in pain and scream like a maniac. He subconsciously waved his hand, stabbing her with a knife!

Xiao Yan was about to escape, when she felt a sharp pain in her thigh. She felt the stabbing pain and screamed then fell to the ground.

A sharp dagger had pierced her leg and blood were flowing out.

"You bitch! How dare you want to run away?!"

The young man became angry and grabbed her by the hair, and said with a sneer: "Congratulations, you have successfully angered me. Tonight, my brother and I will take good care of you!"

Xiao Yan shed two lines of tears in despair.

She had declared her death sentence in her heart. She knew that this young man would not let her go, and she was afraid that she would really die in his hands.

In this case, it is impossible for anyone to save her.

She had never noticed that at this time, a black BMW car was gradually approaching. Ma Wen, who was driving, saw her at a glance, frowning suddenly!

Xiao Yan suffered severe pain in her leg, desperate in her heart, her tears kept streaming out.

Seeing her beautiful face with rain in pear blossoms, the young man became excited, swallowed hard, and blurted out: "Get her in the car!"

His bodyguard next to him asked: "Master, when will we have our turn with this beauty?"

The young man said coldly: "When I'm done, I'll let you have a go!"

After speaking, he reached out to grab her and push her to the car.

At this moment, he suddenly heard several miserable screams from the behind!

"What is it?!"

Suddenly, several screams violently sounded.

The young man raised his head angrily and shouted sharply: "What's the matter?!"

But as soon as he looked up, he suddenly felt a strong wind hit the door!

Before he could dodge, he felt a sharp pain in his face. A hammer flashed over his eyes. Before he notice what happened, the bridge of his nose was snapped off. Blood burst out and spurted everywhere from his nose.

Like a sledgehammer hitting his head, the young man screamed in pain. His body swayed and fell backward.

Just when he fell, he saw several accomplices behind him, lying on the ground like a dead dog, all motionless.

Xiao Yan raised her head in horror, her beautiful eyes suddenly enlarged.

She saw a person wearing a black mask standing in front of her, his eyes as cold as a knife.

Xiao Yan was surprised and happy, and exclaimed in her heart, who is he? Is he here to save her? Yes, he must be here to save her!

The youth's face was bloody. As he fell to the ground he lost all his strength and couldn't get up.

This person's attack was too fast. In a blink of an eye, the four people were disabled. The remaining masked people reacted for several seconds, rushing to him while roaring, and calling their comrades.

"You, who are you?" Xiao Yan sat on the ground, looking up at the person in front of her.

This person didn't answer, but quickly picked her up and ran deep into the alley.

Xiao Yan panted, her heart pounding, she was still in shock.

Behind him came the stern shouts of the brawny men and the roar of motorcycles, clearly pursuing them with all their strength.

The whistling wind blew past her face, Xiao Yan had lost too much blood on her legs, and, coupled with the panic, she could only hug this person weakly.

For some reason, she vaguely felt that the breath of this person seemed a bit familiar.

But she didn't know that this mysterious man hugging her was the husband of her good girlfriend, Ma Wen.

Ma Wen drove past here, and he happened to see Xiao Yan being surrounded.

He was afraid that Xiao Yan would have encountered something serious, so he wore a mask and came to rescue her.

After being transformed by that ray of spiritual energy from the white stone, Ma Wen's skills have increase by exponentially margin. His speed was much faster than before.

In addition, there were so many alleys here, Ma Wen quickly threw off the chasing thugs.

He hugged Xiao Yan and ran a long distance before coming to the depths of a park before stopping.

Since it's getting late and the plants are dense in the depths of the park. Even if the opponent catches up, they can hide their traces.

He put Xiao Yan on the ground and frowned when he saw that her pants had been stained red with blood.

Although Xiao Yan lost too much blood, she managed to stay awake though she was pale and grateful, she managed to push her voice out: "Thank you for saving me. Who are you?"

Ma Wen glanced at her but didn't say a word.

He has never take special notice of her, even if he reveals his true colors, what is the point? It's just annoying.

Therefore, it is better to hide to the end.

Moreover, he didn't take special care of Xiao Yan, he only took care of his wife Yu Ying's face before he tried to save her.

Seeing that Ma Wen didn't say a word, Xiao Yan also understood what the other party meant. She knew that the other party must not want to reveal the identity, so she was embarrassed to ask further.

But she has a strong personality, not the kind of woman who clings to men. Since the other party saved her, if she is does not return this favor, she will always feel that she owes something in her heart.

Just as Xiao Yan wanted to ask, she heard a hoarse and cold voice in her ears.

"Take off your pants."

Xiao Yan raised her head in astonishment and saw the masked man's eyes look on her body, and she was suddenly angry.

She thought she has escape from the tiger's mouth, but now fell into the wolf den again.

This is a wilderness, and the opponent is so skilled, even if she shouts to the sky, she can't escape the clutches of this man.

In despair, Xiao Yan gritted her teeth and said sternly: "Don't touch me, I will never be humiliated! If you dare to do anything to me, I would rather die!"

Ma Wen was taken aback, deliberately suppressing the voice, pointing to her leg, and said: "Your hamstring has been injured, and the wound is close to the aorta. If it is not treated in time, it may become disabled. Now if the bleeding does not stop, it will send you to a coma. If you say the hospital, it's definitely too late to get to the hospital, what do you say?"

Xiao Yan looked at him in amazement, her cheeks suddenly hot.

She thought that the other party wanted to be rape to her, but she didn't expect that he was meant to help her.

Seeing Xiao Yan staring at him dumbfounded, Ma Wen sighed in his heart.

Xiao Yan asked him timidly: "Can you help me stop the bleeding?"

Ma Wen nodded and said, "I have studied traditional medicine and can use acupuncture techniques to stop bleeding and slow down the injury. Then you will have time to go to the hospital for follow-up treatment."

"Thank you." Xiao Yan's face flushed, her voice was as inaudible as a mosquito.

She couldn't help but glance at her wound, her heart was extremely contradictory.

This injury is impartial, just on the upper thigh, and she has to take off her pants.

But if she took it off, wouldn't she be seen by the other side?

The Dong family's upbringing is very strict, and Xiao Yan never interacts with any other men, let alone let men touch her body.

Moreover, the Dong family has a family doctor who is a well-known western doctor abroad. She does not believe that only acupuncture can stop bleeding and cure injuries.

Xiao Yan thought for a while, and declined: "Thank you for your kindness, but please send me to the hospital first, I think I can hold it."

Ma Wen frowned, how could he not know what the other party was thinking.

Xiao Yan must feel that she is not injured to death now, so she wants to go to the hospital first.

But she knew that the reason she didn't feel that serious right now was because he secretly injected a trace of spiritual power into her body when he was holding her.

Otherwise, how could she have survived until now, having lost too much blood and died?

Seeing that Ma Wen didn't speak, Xiao Yan believed that the injury should not be so serious, so she wanted to stand up.

But as soon as she moved, the wound burst open, and a burst of blood spurted out.

Xiao Yan's body became soft, she sat on the ground dizzy, her face extremely pale.

Ma Wen frowned and said, "I just said that if you move around, this leg will definitely be broken. Even if you go to the hospital, there is no way to cure it. Not to mention that you have lost too much blood. It is possible to die in shock while waiting for the ambulance to come. You can choose whether to cure it now or die!"