Chapter 99

Li Bo wanted to take the opportunity to establish a relationship with Bao Feng Gui, but he never dreamed that Bao Feng Gui would suddenly kick him off.

He rolled on the ground several times before he could stabilize his figure and sat on the ground at a loss: "Mr. Bao! What is going on?! Is there some misunderstanding?!"

The others in the room also looked stunned.

"Isn't this guy from the Xiao family? Why did he offend Mr. Bao?"

"The Xiao family doesn't have many abilities. Now that you offend the pavilion's master, you won't be able to mix in Huadong in the future."

For a time, there were a lot of discussions.

Many people even watched Bao Feng Gui kicked Li Bo with the mentality of watching a good show.

At this time, Bao Feng Gui glared at Li Bo and snorted coldly: "Misunderstanding? I mistook your mother!"

After that, he came up and kicked him again. The kick was so hard that it made him cry out for a change.

Bao Feng Gui still didn't subdue his hatred. He stepped directly on his chest and said sternly: "Bastard, do you know who you offended?"

Li Bo's face was dumbfounded: "I haven't offended anyone! Mr. Bao, this is really a great injustice."

Bao Feng Gui raised his hand slapped him twice, and scolded angrily: "You dog! The two you offended earlier are the distinguished guests of Ms. Song! Even if I really kill you, it would not reduce my hatred!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately instructed the people around him: "Drag this bastard out of my face and beat him up! In addition, from now on, apart from the two distinguished guests just now, our Treasure Pavilion bans Li Bo and the entire Xiao family. As long as the other Xiao people step in, break their legs directly as well as those who let them in!"

Immediately afterward, Li Bo was beaten by several security guards.

After the fight, the bodyguards dragged him directly and threw him out of the Treasure Pavilion!

He had a blue nose and a swollen face. His whole body was shaking, and he was too scared to speak.

He knew that he had caused a catastrophe and harmed the entire Xiao family!

But how could he think that Ma Wen turned out to be the guest invited by Wan Ting?

How can he know the eldest lady of the Song family?!

Why can this waste be favored by Wan Ting?!

After Ma Wen and Dai Fu came out, they drove home.

Dai Fu sighed in the car: "Ma Wen, it's not your dad who told you. If you really can't find the invitation letter, why should you steal someone else's?"

"Dad, there is no problem with the invitation letter, it is the people who look down on others," Ma Wen explained helplessly.

Dai Fu said angrily: "If you can be a little bit better and have some ability, would they dare to treat us like this? After all, you are too incapable and too useless!"

Ma Wen shook his head, too lazy to explain.

At this moment, a Rolls-Royce from the rear speeded up. After passing by the two people's cars, it slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

Seeing that the other party was looking for him, Ma Wen also stopped the car.

Wan Ting stepped on a pair of elegant long legs, stepped out of the car, and said apologetically to Ma Wen: "Mr. Ma Wen, I'm really sorry about the accident just now. I didn't arrange it. Please don't worry about it. ."

Ma Wen shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with you. It is Mr. Bao who has to take care of his employees."

Wan Ting hurriedly said, "Mr. Ma Wen, he has already fired the manager involved. Let's go back and continue participating in the auction now. What do you think?"

Ma Wen refused: "Sorry Ms. Song, today's good mood has been spoiled by one or two flies. I won't go back to participate in the auction. Let's talk about it the next time."

Wan Ting felt very apologetic and said: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Ma Wen."

After finishing speaking, she took out a wooden box from the car, stuffed it into Ma Wen's hand, and said: "Mr. Ma Wen, this is a little bit of my heart, as a little apology."

When Ma Wen received the wooden box, he felt an aura from it, so he didn't refuse.

Seeing Ma Wen accepted the gift, Wan Ting went on to say: "Well, today's auction will be suspended. I will ask Bao Feng Gui to rectify the team of Treasure Pavilion. When he finishes the rectification, we will hold another one, and I will invite Mr. Ma Wen and Uncle Xiao."

Dai Fu was already stunned. Isn't this woman the last lady from the Song family that when he was at Ji Qing Tang and accidentally smashed the antique vase last time?

She was so polite to his son-in-law and even willing to suspend the auction for him and start anew. This is too much face, right?

Is it because the vase was repaired last time?

This is such a good deed. I will really have to look at my son-in-law in the future.

Ma Wen also noticed Wan Ting's sincerity, so he nodded faintly, and said: "Then when it reopens, we'll come and join in."

Dai Fu hurriedly echoed: "Yes, yes, you must go."

"Okay. Both Mr. Ma Wen and Uncle Xiao, please go back first. I'm really sorry about today's affairs!"

After Wan Ting apologized again, she bid farewell to the two and turned to leave.

When Wan Ting left, the Dai Fu hurriedly pointed to the wooden box in Ma Wen's hand and asked, "Ma Wen, what kind of treasures did Ms. Song give you? Open it and take a look!"

Ma Wen nodded and opened the wooden box.

Suddenly, a strong aura poured out, refreshing the whole body.

"Huh, what is this?" Dai Fu stretched his head and took a look, his face suddenly surprised.

There was a black thing in the box. The size was thick and thin. At first glance, it looked like a piece of coal, but it was rough and soiled.

When he saw this, Ma Wen couldn't help but feel shocked, secretly surprised at Wan Ting's generous shots.

Dai Fu looked at the "black bump" and looked at it, but couldn't see what it was, and said in wonder: "I thought it was a good treasure. But I didn't expect it to be a piece of wood."

Ma Wen smiled and said, "Dad, it is indeed wood, but it is very rare."

Dai Fu was even more surprised: "My son-in-law, what the hell is this?"

Ma Wen said: "This is the blood dragon wood."

"It's formed by the trees that fell during the thunderstorm."

Dai Fu had heard about it one or two before and said quickly: "But this kind of wood is often seen when thundering happened in the mountains. How can it be valuable?"

Ma Wen smiled and said, "Dad, ordinary trees that were struck by lightning of course can be seen everywhere. But you can see that this section of the wood which was struck by lightning, it has been charred and became black jade. Only instantaneously charring under extremely high temperature can it caused this natural effect. The energy of the sky thunder is also extremely strong, I am afraid it is a huge thunder that has been even rare in hundreds of years."

"In addition, this section of the wood is black and shiny. It has faint bloodline patterns. Indicating that it is the heart of the blood dragon wood. It is the king of wood."

Hearing this, Dai Fu said disdainfully: "I don't believe that a piece of wood that has been struck by thunder is worth so much money? It's all a lie. The real value is an antique cultural relic. If your wood was plated by Lord Qian Long, maybe it will worth two more."

Ma Wen smiled. This kind of thing is of high value. Not only does it have ample spiritual energy, but it can also even be refined according to the records of the Nine Profound Heavenly Manual.

However, Dai Fu naturally would not understand.

So Ma Wen didn't explain much to him and put the box away.

When the two returned home, neither of the women was at home.

The mother-in-law Yu La went to the chess and card room to play mahjong before while Yu Ying still did not get off from work.

So Ma Wen went back to the bedroom first and took the blood dragon wood out of the box.

A strong aura surge out from the blood dragon wood.

Ma Wen immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, placed the blood dragon wood on his palm, and closed his eyes. As soon as he close his eyes, the Nine Profound Heavenly Manual pop up and flip through his mind and shows him a mental method on how to absorb the spiritual energy into his body.

He subconsciously absorb the spiritual energy into his body while reading through the Nine Profound Heavenly Manual.

When he opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp and a faint blue mist emitted from his eyes then disappeared. His aura also went through tremendous changed.

The aura on blood dragon wood in his hand is already a little dim.

But even if it loses it's aura, it still has some strong thunderous breath, which is considered a treasure.

If supported by other treasures, Ma Wen could use it to refine some simple magical artifacts.

When he came out of the room, it was already night.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, Ma Wen heard his mother-in-law snorted coldly and said, "The shelf is so big and I don't have any food. Are you waiting for me to serve you?"

Ma Wen smiled wryly and explained: "Sorry mom, I was so tired this afternoon and fell asleep."

"Hey, did going to the auction exhaust you? Or did Li Bo exhaust you?" Yu La said angrily.

Ma Wen was shocked, then shook his head and said, "I didn't pit Li Bo, where did you hear the news?"

Yu La snorted coldly, and said, "Of course Madam Xiao called and said, you don't have to be embarrassed. Li Bo was kicked out by the pavilion's master. Madam Xiao called and scolded me! She said you are Garbage. Can you cause less trouble for the family?"

Yu Ying said from the side: "Mom, I think Li Bo was kicked out because he must have caused some trouble himself. It has nothing to do with Ma Wen. Ma Wen is not like that."

"Why not?" Yu La threw her chopsticks angrily: "Li Bo filed a complaint after he came back, saying that because Ma Wen got the invitation letter by improper means, and after being found out the pavilion's master was offended. Since he was a member of the Xiao family, Li Bo was kicked out. The owner of the Treasure Pavilion has even stated that the Xiao family is not allowed to go in the future. Otherwise they will break their legs if they dare to! The family is embarrassed this time!"

Dai Fu said at this time: "Huh! The invitation letter is legit! I think Li Bo must have caused the trouble himself. And he was afraid that his grandma would punish him, so he deliberately dumped the pot on Ma Wen."

"You're still here to help this wimpy talk, if you didn't want to go to that auction, can these things happen?" Yu La glared at Dai Fu and cursed.

Dai Fu hurriedly shut up for dinner, not daring to make a sound.

Yu La said impatiently: "He is a waste. What can he do in getting the invitation letter? Now he has offended Li Bo. I see how he will ends up."

Before she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, followed by a low voice.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Ma Wen at home?"

Yu La's face was tense, and she glared at Ma Wen angrily, "Oops, it must be the Madam Xiao who came. She must came to reprimand on what you did!"

"Let's take a look first." Yu Ying also looked solemn, stood up and walked towards the door.

There was no sound in the living room. Yu La and Dai Fu both stood up nervously, thinking about how to respond.

Ma Wen's face was slightly dark, if Madam Xiao turned black and white and brought someone to the door to ask the crime, then he wouldn't have to give the Madam Xiao face!