Chapter 108

Ma Wen smiled lightly and said, "Competition? What makes you think you worthy of me?"

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly. This kid dared to speak such a wild word! He doesn't want to live anymore?

In the quiet courtyard, there was a dead silence.

Wan Ting also stood up in shock. As soon as he said this, it couldn't be done right anymore.

Jing Hai was even angrier, and walked in front of Ma Wen step by step, and said: "I have seen many people in my life, but they are not like you, deliberately begging to die."

Ma Wen smiled and said, "Who will live and die is not necessarily obvious."

Jing Hai had a murderous intent. When his eyes went cold, he wanted to do it immediately.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly broke into the door, aggressively.

The leader was Ao Dong. He saw Ma Wen and immediately shouted: "Ma Wen, your magic stick, pretend to be a devil to deceive my Uncle! You lied to my family, stole our money, and used it at the auction to replenish your balance. It was at the expense of Master Jing Hai to see through your trick! You should surrender your property now, otherwise, my Qin family cannot spare you."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Gang and Ao Xue walked in from the door. After hearing Ao Dong's scolding, it was too late to stop, and there was an embarrassment.

Ma Wen glanced at him lightly, but said nothing.

However, his glance made Qin Gang feel cold all over his body, and he was full of fear. He yelled at Ao Dong and quickly explained to Ma Wen with a dry smile: "Mr. Ye, this is what happened."

Qin Gang didn't dare to conceal it, and explained what happened.

After Ma Wen finished listening, he just frowned slightly, and said coldly: "It's more than one billion. If you regret it, the money can be refunded to you at any time."

"Oh, Mr. Ye, don't say that. How dare I ask Mr. Ye for a refund! I came here today. It was Qin who admired the prestige of Master Ye for a long time and wanted to see it."

Qin Gang couldn't figure out whether Ma Wen was capable or fudged, but he was also considered a smart person, so he wasn't going to turn his face with Ma Wen right away.

Although he was complimenting him, he hesitated in his heart. He felt that Ma Wen couldn't test the depth of this person by himself, so he might as well let Jing Hai try.

If Ma Wen showed his feet in front of Jing Hai, then he would naturally not be polite to him, and how much money he spent, even the profit would have to be vomited from his mouth.

So he sneered at Ma Wen himself and the others: "Then I won't disturb Master Yes. I'll talk about this later. You guys should be busy with the important things at hand and leave me alone."

Ao Dong wanted to speak angrily, but Qin Gang glared fiercely, and he not dared to speak any more.

When Jing Hai saw this, he smiled at Qin Gang and said, "You just came here. I know your Qin family has been upset recently. Ma Wen also did the magic trick in your Qin family. I will try it with him today, by the way. Solve the problems for your Qin family! Ma Wen, if you dare to compete with me, not only will you undoubtedly die today, but afterwards, I will do everything to destroy you!"

Ma Wen frowned, and said with a sneer: "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill your wish."

Seeing Ma Wen's determination, Jing Hai sneered and said to Yong Hai: "It seems that some people are really tired, and crooked. No matter what, go and prepare me three pillars of sandalwood, a purple gold incense burner, and a peach wood sword. With one hand, I will fulfill him."

Yong Hai didn't dare to neglect, and he was ready soon.

After a while, sandalwood was inserted into the incense burner, and clear smoke curled up.

Mr. Jing Hai raised the peach wood sword, chanting words.

Standing next to him, Qin Gang felt dizzy, as if there were several shots in his head and his temples jumped.

He endured it for a while, really couldn't stand it, and pleaded: "Mr. Jing Hai, how long is this Feng Shui going to continue?"

"Your family's aura is very heavy. This is a vision, and the Feng Shui Bureau also needs time. Please bear with it for the time being."

Seeing Master Jing Hai speak, Qin Gang can only bite the bullet and endure it.

But the more patient he was, the more uncomfortable he felt all over, not only was he nauseous, but he also felt severe pain in his head.

But fortunately, the thing on his chest exuded vigorous warmth in an instant, protecting his heart so that Qin Gang did not collapse on the spot.

Qin Gang was shocked: "Isn't this the talisman given by Ma Wen?"

Not knowing what he was thinking, Jing Hai took a sip of water and sprayed it on the mahogany sword with a "poof", swiping the sword to cut off the rising smoke.

Just as the wooden sword swept across the smoke, Qin Gang suddenly felt as if his head had been hit hard, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Ao Dong was shocked and rushed forward, holding him back.

But Qin Gang's face was ashen, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Mr. Jing Hai, how could my Uncle be like this?" Ao Dong asked anxiously.

Jing Hai's expression remained unchanged, and said, "The Qin family's aura is too heavy. I broke it with a fierce Feng Shui situation, and the Patriarch was naturally the first to bear the brunt."

Qin Gang hurriedly dragged his sick body, struggling to thank: "Thank you, Mr. Jing Hai, for setting up the bureau, I am grateful."

After his blood spurted out, he did feel a lot more comfortable in his body.

Not only that, but Ao Dong also felt the changes in his body, and he quickly thanked Jing Hai.

Bao Feng Gui frowned and said, "Jing Hai is really capable. The Qin family's evil spirits are so heavy, he can alleviate it, and he really has two brushes."

All of you present here are Feng Shui masters, and I don't need to explain that you know that Jing Hai broke the Qin family's evil spirits, and the eyes that looked at him also admired him deeply.

"Uncle, let's go sit there." Ao Dong helped Qin Gang to walk aside, then turned to look at Ma Wen, and provocatively said: "How about it? Quickly return our Qin family's money."

Ma Wen curled his lips and said, "The money can be paid back to you, but Qin Gang, I'm afraid that it will be spent."

"What?!" Qin Gang was suddenly shocked.

Ma Wen glanced at him coldly and said, "Look at your palm, is there a red line?"

Qin Gang's face was ugly, and he quickly turned his palms up, and was stunned.

He saw a faint red line on his palm.

This red line starts from the lifeline of the palm and extends to the arm!

Qin Gang was shocked: "What is this, I didn't have it before."

Ma Wen said coldly: "This is your lifeline. The Qin family is so cursed that Jing Hai uses your life to resolve it! Three days later, this red line extends to your elbow, and then you will be dead! Use the virtues accumulated in your life's good deeds to change the Qin family's line and continue."

When Qin Gang heard this, he was shocked to stay there.

Ao Dong was also in a panic, and quickly looked at everyone present.

All Masters here nodded slightly when they saw this scene. Qin Gang would not live for three days.

Ao Dong knelt on the ground with a thud, and begged Jing Hai: "Mr. Jing Hai, please, save my Uncle!"

Jing Hai looked arrogant and sneered: "The spell is out, how can it be taken back? I used Qin Gang's life in exchange for your family's life, you should thank me."

Ao Xue also turned pale, biting her lower lip and entangled for a long time, then she knelt in front of Ma Wen with a puff, and said: "Please, save my dad"

Ma Wen glanced at her and said indifferently: "Since your Qin family chooses to believe in Jing Hai, then it has nothing to do with me. Why should I help you?"

Ao Xue's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "If you can save my dad, I will promise you anything you want."

Ma Wen smiled and said, "I have no interest."

Qin Gang also ran over, knelt in front of Ma Wen, and cried out: "Mr. Ye, I am blinded by lard, and it is Ao Dong, the sorrowful star who bewitching me."

While speaking, Qin Gang pulled Ao Dong away, and slapped his face desperately.

Ao Dong dodged again and again.

Ao Xue also grabbed Ma Wen's leg and cried: "Just save my dad, please."

Ma Wen sighed and said, "Okay, all stand up. I scared you just now. It is nothing serious. Fortunately, your dad is wearing the shock talisman, or there is no time to fight Jing Hai now."

Qin Gang looked suspicious, took out the shock talisman from his arms, and said, "Is this talisman working?"

Ma Wen nodded and said, "The red line faded quickly. With Jing Hai's two tricks, it is still a long way from trying to break my talisman."

Qin Gang looked down at his arm, and saw that the red line had dimmed a lot and was gradually fading. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ye, if it wasn't for you, I would be dead today."

Ma Wen waved his hand and said: "It's because you are lucky, and you came here with a talisman. Otherwise, I don't bother to care about you."

After speaking, Ma Wen turned his head to look at Jing Hai, and said: "Now the result is obvious, don't you admit defeat?"

Ao Dong finally came over at this time, knelt on the ground, and apologized to Ma Wen without a word.

Jing Hai's face turned blue, staring at Ma Wen fiercely, and said: "With some small means, you dare to say that you have won? I wanted to spare your life, who knows you are stubborn. I will give you one last chance! Hand over the clams, kneel down, and apologize!"

He didn't want to use his last card, but the issue already escalated to of no return. Ma Wen had already defeated him, making his meditation layout in vain!

Moreover, once he uses his last cards, even he can't completely control it. Everyone here might die!

Ma Wen's face gradually turned cold, and said, "What if I say no?"

"You are the one who forced me!" Jing Hai took out a black porcelain altar from the box beside him as soon as he finished speaking.

A few black mosquitoes flew out of the altar, and instantly pounced on the meat and vegetables on the table, chewing them.

Wan Ting looked weird and said, "Does Jing Hai still raise mosquitoes?"

Everyone watched the black mosquitoes pounce on the flesh, and the picture was very strange. The masters present were all inexplicable. They had no idea what was going on and asked each other.

But in a moment, the meat dishes that were eaten by black mosquitoes turned color quickly, and countless smaller black mosquitoes emerged from the meat!

In less than five minutes, the fresh dishes on the table just now were all rotten and spoiled, and a dense mosquitoes emerged.