Chapter 113

When Xiao Chang Gang heard this, he suddenly thought that Dai Fu was deliberately running him with words, he got angry, and said angrily: "Dai Fu, you're good! Why do you say such things? Don't you just want to live in Tang Chen Villa now? Isn't this just getting up with me?"

Dai Fu was stunned: "What? I live in Tang Chen Villa? Big brother, don't you always use me to ridicule me?"

Yu La was also confused: "Brother, are you making a mistake? Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Xiao Chang Gang pointed at Ma Wen, and said with a displeased expression: "Your son-in-law has made a reservation for largest villa unit A05! Let him tell you about the specifics!"

Yu La and Dai Fu were both dumbfounded, they looked at Ma Wen in astonishment, and asked with unbelievable faces: "Ma Wen, what your uncle said is true? Did you really get a Tang Chen Villa?"

Ma Wen nodded and said, "Parents, there is indeed a villa, which is given to me by someone for helping him."

"Who gave it?" Yu La blurted out with a look of ecstasy in her eyes.

Ma Wen said: "I helped a friend solve some feng shui problems, and he gave me a villa."

Yu La was extremely excited and blurted out: "Take us to visit this villa! Damn! Tang Chen Villa, I can't even dream of it!"

Yu Ying pulled Ma Wen a hand at this time, and asked in a low voice, "Ma Wen, what is going on?"

Ma Wen smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "Someone really gave me a villa. If you don't believe it, let's go and see it now."

When Yu La looked at her eldest brother and sister-in-law again, she felt a sense of superiority in her heart!


Since you wanted to buy a large apartment, and invite me to accompany you to see the house so you could belittle me. Now it's alright! I'm going to live in the Tang Chen Villa soon. I've been oppressed by you for such a long time. It's time to turned over, and be the master!

So she deliberately smiled and said: "Oh, eldest brother, sister, Li Bo, and Li Jun, since you are all here, why don't we visit the villa together, what do you think?"

Chang Gang wished to leave immediately, but his wife Sun Qiu still grabbed him, winked at him, and said to Yu La, "Okay, in that case, let's go and see!"

As she said, she lowered her voice and whisper to her husband's ear: "I will take some photos, and videos later. Then show them to the Madam Xiao. Once the Madam Xiao sees this villa, she will naturally ask them to bring her over. Right?"

Xiao Chang Gang's eyes lit up immediately!

It turns out that his wife has a brilliant idea!

It's wonderful!

Hence Ma Wen took a group of people and walked into the villa area of ​​Tang Chen.

As soon as they entered the villa area, everyone kept looking around. The environment in the villa area was several times better than the high-rise residences outside, and it was extremely refined.

"Ma Wen, where is your villa?" Li Jun asked loudly on purpose.

Ma Wen took the key, walked past Li Jun, smiled and walked to the villa in front: "This is the one, A05."

Under the eyes of everyone, Ma Wen didn't change his face, took the key to open the door of the villa, and gently pushed.

The door squeaked open to both sides, and the exquisite garden scene inside was immediately presented to everyone.


The door lock opened.

Li Jun was stunned!

Li Bo and his parents were all dumbfounded!

Yu Ying also held her breath, rubbed her eyes vigorously with her hand, and looked forward.

In the garden, there is a magnificent and spacious luxury villa in the middle of the garden with pavilions, flowers and trees.

"This is too luxurious, right?" Xiao Chang Gang was the first to recover and exclaimed in shock.

Li Bo's expression was very ugly, and he said angrily: "Who would give you such a good villa? I don't believe it!!"

"You can't help it if you don't believe it, but this villa is indeed given to me." Ma Wen was too lazy to explain.

Li Jun glared at Ma Wen fiercely, "hum" with anger, and said sourly, "Ma Wen, are you worthy of such an expensive villa?"

Ma Wen smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with you."

The crowd was silent in the open space at the gate of the villa.

No one could think that the owner of the most expensive villa in Huadong was actually Ma Wen!

Li Jun and Chang Gang were even more unable to accept of this reality, as if they were slapped. Slapped in public, and wishing to dig a hole in and bury themselves.

The facts are breaking down!

At this moment, an old man walked out of the villa.

The old man came directly to Ma Wen and asked respectfully: "Hello, are you Mr. Ye Ma Wen?"

Ma Wen nodded and said, "I am, who are you?"

The old man said: "Hello, Mr. Ma Wen, I am Mr. Wang's housekeeper, and I am responsible for taking care of this villa. You can call me Zou Lei. I usually take care of the villa and maintain the hygiene."

"Zou Lei?" Li Jun on the side stared at him dumbfounded, her whole brain short-circuited.

This Uncle Zou Lei, isn't this her fiancé Fei Qun's housekeeper? Why is he here?

Does this villa belong to the Wang family?

In that case, why give it to Ma Wen?

Li Jun hurriedly asked: "Zou Lei, what is going on? Is this villa owned by the Wang family?"

Zou Lei said: "It used to be, but now it belongs to Mr. Ma Wen."

With that, Zou Lei looked at Ma Wen again and asked, "Mr. Ma Wen, the decoration in the villa has not been completed yet. When do you plan to move in? I will let the workers do it faster and make preparations in advance."

Ma Wen said faintly: "We will not move for the time being. You will continue to look after the villa. I will call you before I move."

"Yes! Mr. Ma Wen!"

After Zou Lei finished speaking, he bowed to Ma Wen again, then he step aside and gesture to Ma Wen waiting for him to enter.

Li Jun's eyes almost popped out, and the whole group of Xiao family relatives was also surprised.

"The housekeeper of the Wang family?" Li Jun said dumbfounded: "Which Wang family? Is is Fei Qun's family?"

Ma Wen looked at her, smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, it's your fiancé Fei Qun's house. His uncle gave me this house."

"What?!" Li Jun's brain exploded!

This villa belongs to her fiancé's family?

In other words, the original villa could have been hers in the future?

But why would it be given to Ma Wen!

This is my villa!

Li Jun's parents were also very puzzled and angry at the same time.

The Wang family is their daughter's future husband's family. The Wang family's villa is naturally for their daughter. Why is it given to Ma Wen? This is not logical!

Qian Sun Qiu blurted out and asked Li Jun: "Li Jun, what's the matter with this? Do you know the Wang family villa?"

Li Jun shook her head repeatedly: "I don't know, I have never heard Fei Qun talk about it."

Qian Sun Qiu immediately shouted, "Quickly call Fei Qun and ask! Ask clearly what's going on!"

"Yes, I must!"

Li Jun immediately took out the phone and called Fei Qun.

As soon as the call connected, she asked Fei Qun: "Fei Qun, does your family have a villa in Tang Chen?"

Fei Qun said: "There is a set, what's wrong?"

Li Jun said with some dissatisfaction: "Why haven't you heard about it! Is it the wedding room for the two of us?"

"No." Fei Qun said: "My uncle bought that villa for the elderly. They prefers the environment of Tang Chen, so how could he be willing to use it for us."

After speaking, Fei Qun asked again: "How do you know about this?"

Li Jun's aggrieved tears flowed out: "Do you know, your uncle gave away this villa!"

"Gave it away?" Fei Qun blurted out, Gave it away to who?"

Li Jun broke down and cried and said: "Gave it to Ma Wen! It's my Garbage brother-in-law Ma Wen!"

Fei Qun was also stunned.

Tang Chen's villa is the most valuable property in the hands of the entire Wang family.

This house is owned by Yong Hai, the current owner of the Wang family and the uncle of Fei Qun.

Yong Hai, Fei Long's father, is currently the head of the Wang family, while Fei Qun's father is only the second in command.

This villa, let alone Fei Qun, even Fei Qun's dad is greedy for it, but there is no way. Their family simply can't afford such an expensive villa.

Hearing that the uncle even gave this villa to Ma Wen, Fei Qun was also extremely shocked and uncomfortable, and immediately said to Li Jun: "Wait a moment, I will ask my uncle."

Li Jun hung up the phone, gritted her teeth and looked at Ma Wen, and questioned: "Ma Wen, what can you do to trick this villa from Uncle?"

Ma Wen said lightly: "Mr. Yong Hai chased me to give away this villa to me."

"You bullshit!" Li Jun blurted out suddenly, "You have nothing to do with the Wang family. How could Uncle Wang give you such an expensive house for no reason! You must have used some shameful means!"

At this time, Fei Qun called Li Jun and said, "Li Jun, my uncle seemed to be busy, so he just hung up my phone after saying a word."

Ma Wen sneered, and directly took out the phone to turn on the speakerphone and dialed Yong Hai's number.

With a beep, the phone was connected instantly.

Li Jun was stunned on the spot.

"Mr. Ye!" Yong Hai's voice was full of flattery: "Mr. Ye should have visited the villa at Tang Chen? I wonder if Mr. Ye is satisfied?"

Ma Wen said directly: "I saw the villa, and it's not bad overall. It is acceptable."

Yong Hai hurriedly said, "Mr. Ye, you like it!"

Ma Wen said calmly: "I just called to tell you that I'm satisfied with the villa."

"If you have any needs, please tell me at any time, and I will try my best to solve it! Try to make Mr. Ye satisfied!"

The crowd around was silent and in shock.

Unexpectedly, this villa was actually given to Ma Wen by Yong Hai. Why?

Unexpectedly, Yong Hai, who had to be respectful even after meeting his fiancé, would kneel and lick Ma Wen's garbage like a dog! This made Li Jun feel hot on her face, and she couldn't help herself.

She finally couldn't help but asked aloud to Ma Wen's cell phone: "Uncle Wang, I am Fei Qun's fiancée Li Jun. You will never give the villa to Ma Wen for no reason. What is the reason?"

"Huh, what are you? You deserve to ask about my personal affairs?"

Yong Hai said coldly.

Li Jun's face was hot.

Ma Wen said lightly: "Yong Hai, you should explain to them. Otherwise, they will think I lied to you."

"Okay!" Yong Hai said immediately: "Since Mr. Ma Wen has said it, let me explain to the public that I owe Mr. Ma Wen a great favor, so I gifted this villa. I would like to thank the clowns if they do dare to doubt Mr. Ma Wen, I will definitely not let it go!"

Li Jun was aggrieved for a while. How could she have been scolded so severely, her face flushed, and she almost cried immediately.

Seeing that Li Jun was so aggrieved and crying, Xiao Chang Gang's face couldn't get through, and he coughed to please and said: "Mr. Wang, Li Jun is still a child. She is also curious and has no other meaning."

Yong Hai ignored him and said respectfully: "Mr. Ma Wen, do you need me to explain anything?"

"That's it." Ma Wen nodded.

"Then I won't bother Mr. Ma Wen, please call me whenever you have to."

Ma Wen let out a "um" and hung up the phone.