Chapter 124

Seeing that the sixty-inch big TV slammed into her feet in a daze, Ma Wen hurriedly stepped forward and took her hand, and violently pulled her into his arms.

With a loud noise, the TV set fell off and hit the ground heavily.

The casing and screen suddenly shattered, and a piece of shattered hard plastic was snapped out, wiping Wan Ting's slender white calf and flew by.

"Ah!" Wan Ting felt a sharp pain in her calf, and when she lowered her head, it had already cut a two to three centimeters long opening, and blood poured out in an instant.

Ma Wen hurriedly took out a tissue from his pocket, squatted down to help her cover the wound, and asked: "Miss, do you have disinfection products such as iodophor at home?"

Wan Ting was a little angry when Ma Wen touched her calf, just about to have an attack, but when she thought that Ma Wen had saved her just now, she suppressed the anger.

She immediately looked at Lai Bu Yi and asked with obvious anger: "Mr. Lai, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, don't go anywhere!"

When Hong Wu saw this, he grabbed Master Lai by the neck and asked coldly: "Damn it! Say! What did you do to our lady?!"

Mr. Lai cried and said, "I didn't do anything! I just set up a formation to help her change her fortune."

"You don't bluff me!" Hong Wu scolded angrily: "You changed her fortune for the worse, right?"

After that, Hong Wu gritted his teeth and cursed: "Say, did you collect money from someone and deliberately harm our eldest lady?"

Mr. Lai trembled in shock, and blurted out, "Big Brother, I didn't! I was not instructed by anyone."

Hong Wu grinned and said, "If you don't tell the truth, then I will chop you up and feed to the dog!"

After that, he immediately said to Wan Ting: "Miss, hand this bastard over to me, I will let him evaporate from the world!"

Wan Ting was also very annoyed, and said coldly, "Mr. Lai, if you don't give me an explanation, then I can only order the people to do things!"

Mr. Lai hurriedly knelt on the ground, crying and said: "Miss, I just lied to you for some money, I really didn't hurt you!"

Wan Ting asked with a cold face: "What you did just now was all fooling me?"

"Yes." Mr. Lai hurriedly took out the check and begged for mercy: "I will refund you the money, please let me go."

Wan Ting stared at him for a while, seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, she felt even more desperate.

What happened? Is her fortune worse?

Suddenly, she suffered heavy losses. If this continues, the family business will be ruined in her own hands.

At this moment, Ma Wen, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "Miss, in fact, Mr. Lai did not do nothing."

Wan Ting looked at him and asked, "What does this mean?"

Ma Wen said calmly: "The layout of your room is matched with your own five elements to form a large array of trapped dragons on Feng Shui!"

"The Trapped dragon formation will lock all your fortune into the formation. The reason there is still a little leeway is because the pot of green plants has left a gate for the Trapped dragon formation."

After speaking, Ma Wen looked at the so-called Mr. Lai and smiled: "Unfortunately, this guy replaced the green plant with a stone. The stone act as gold. This time, the gate is sealed. It doesn't matter if you remove it now. Use it, so your fortune will be lost instantly, and it will only get worse and worse."

Wan Ting was suddenly struck by lightning, and hurriedly put away the contempt for him before, bowed and clasped her fists and said pleadingly, "Mr. Ma Wen, please help!"

Mr. Lai knew that he had caused a catastrophe when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "Ms. Song, I didn't mean it! Mr. Ye please take that stone away quickly."

Ma Wen shook his head: "It's useless to take it away. The Trapped dragon formation is closed. It's like throwing a stone into the water. Even if the stone is taken away, the water wave generated by the stone cannot be stopped.

Wan Ting looked at Ma Wen dumbfounded, and she couldn't help but respect him a little bit, and asked: "Mr. Ye please help me solve this troubled dragon formation. No matter how much money I have to spend, I will not hesitate!"

When Hong Wu heard that Ma Wen saw the doorway, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Ma Wen, please help our eldest lady."

Ma Wen nodded and said, "Ms. Song, the Feng Shui in your room was not originally a trapped dragon, but this year is your natal year. Your own lifestyle has changed during this life year. It doesn't fit in with the Feng Shui of this room, so it forms a big trapped dragon formation."

After all, Ma Wen said again: "I want to change the Feng Shui of your room now, it may cause damage to your room, and I hope you don't mind."

Wan Ting said immediately: "Mr. Ma Wen, please! Even if you demolish this house, I have no objection!"

Ma Wen nodded and said to the housekeeper: "Uncle Bo Yu, please find a crowbar."

Bo Yu immediately said: "I will get it now!"

After a while, Bo Yu came in with a metal crowbar and asked: "Mr. Ye is this all right?"

"Give it to me."

Ma Wen looked around carefully, then pinched his fingers to make the final decision, then took a few steps in the room, pointed to a piece of wooden floor under his feet, and said, "Mr. Hong Wu, please pry this floor open."

Hong Wu nodded, did not go to help immediately, but looked at Mr. Lai and punched him in the abdomen.

With this punch down, Mr. Lai immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and wailed on the ground.

Hong Wu is a gangster like that, who has very practical experience. After this punch, Mr. Lai has no ability to sit up, let alone escape.

After that, Hong Wu took the crowbar from Bo Yu and raised the floor according to Ma Wen's instructions.

The floor was pried open, exposing the concrete floor.

Hong Wu asked him: "Mr. Ma Wen, what should I do next?"

Ma Wen said lightly: "The trapped trapped dragon formation must have a central axis, so I just deduced it. Below this should be the central axis of the trapped trapped dragon formation. The central axis of the trapped trapped dragon formation is driven by water, and the water flows through the eyes. It will produce the effect of locking the fortune, so if I am not wrong, there should be a water pipe line under this cement."

"Really?" Hong Wu asked in surprise: "Mr. Ma Wen, can your eyes see through?"

Ma Wen said indifferently: "It's not a perspective, but a deduction through the five elements and knowledge! For example, if you see the lights on the roof turn on, you can guess that the roof must be buried in telecommunications."

What Ma Wen said were all Feng Shui mysteries recorded in the Jiu Xian Tian Shu. Most people don't understand Feng Shui formation at all, so they can't guess where there is water or fire.

At this time, Ma Wen said again: "I think the cement on the water pipe should be very thin. You can see if you hit it hard with a crowbar a few times."

"Good!" Hong Wu suddenly slammed the concrete floor hard, breaking a thin layer of concrete away in a few strokes.

Everyone held their breath and watched, and as expected, they saw Hong Wu smash a PVC water pipe as thick as a thumb from the cement!

This kind of water pipe leads from the aisle to the bathroom, but there is only this one, that is, in a huge house, the water pipe can be anywhere.

However, Ma Wen was able to directly point out the specific location of the water pipe, which was a bit shocking!

"It's amazing!" Not only Hong Wu was stunned, but Wan Ting and Bo Yu were also dumbfounded.

It's amazing to be able to find out the water pipes hidden in the cement.

Ma Wen said again: "Break open the water pipe and let the water spill out. Once the water comes out of the formation, it will break down the formation. Once the formation collapses, then it will no longer exist!"

Wan Ting hurriedly said, "Mr. Hong Wu, you must smash this water pipe!"

Hong Wu nodded and smashed the floor several times before smashing the water pipe.

A large swath of water mist spewed out in a flash, and Ma Wen, Wan Ting and Bo Yu all hurriedly backed away to avoid it.

When the water gushed out, Ma Wen discovered that the Dragon Formation had also been completely abolished because of the fatal damage.

Afterwards, Ma Wen said to Bo Yu: "Turn off the water valve, the dragon formation has been broken."

"This is broken?" Everyone looked incredulous.

Ma Wen said calmly: "It has been broken, and Ms. Song's fortune has been suppressed for so many days, and she should soon flourish."

Just after speaking, Wan Ting's phone rang.

"Mr. Song, the American side called and said that they made a mistake in the sample. It is not our problem. Our goods are all qualified."


Wan Ting really took it! As soon as this breaks the formation, it immediately revolves

As soon as she hung up the call, she immediately said to Ma Wen with a look of gratitude: "Mr. Ma Wen, you are such a god! Thank you so much!"

Ma Wen smiled slightly and said, "Ms. Song, you are welcome. I have also been entrusted by Mr. Hong Wu to come and help. All should be done."

Hearing this, Hong Wu was so moved that he almost cried. He didn't expect that Ma Wen could still remember to speak for him at this time. In this way, he would definitely be able to remember his work with Missy!

He has always wanted to hug the eldest lady's thigh, but the eldest lady is more repulsive to people of his origin, so he has always been able to wander around the edge of the Song family's industry. With this credit, he will surely be able to enter the Song family's direct line of troops!

Wan Ting looked at Mr. Hong Wu and said, "You took interest in this matter, and I will remember it."

Hong Wu hurriedly said: "Miss, this is my business!"

Wan Ting nodded. In front of Hong Wu, she was still the tall lady, but in front of Ma Wen, she was very respectful.

At this time, Wan Ting's cell phone rang again.

It's Li from Hong Kong Li Family!

"Mr. Li?"

Wan Ting was a little bit dissatisfied with the pigeons being released by Li.

Li said on the phone, "Ms. Song, I'm so sorry! Just a little misunderstanding, my father's Feng Shui master said, Ms. Song, your fortune has changed suddenly, and now your wealth is soaring, and you are overwhelmed. I strongly recommend that we cooperate with your Song family. I sincerely hope that we can sign the contract as soon as possible. I want to fly to your city tomorrow. I wonder if I will be able to see you face to face?"

Li's attitude suddenly changed drastically, and Wan Ting was shocked, and her chin almost fell to the ground!

Although she was a little angry at what Li had done before, she was about to shout out excitedly now.

But she restrained it and said, "In this case, let's make an appointment at a time and place for the signing ceremony."

Li said immediately: "The sooner the signing is, the better. I'll fly to Huadong tomorrow to meet you in person!"