Chapter 126

It can be said that this was all given by Ma Wen, so how could he not be embarrassed to take it out.

So, he turned the topic off and said: "Jian Hua is doing well now. I heard that you have become an executive of a company, and you have an annual salary of 700,000 to 800,000."

Jian Hua sighed and said, "Don't mention it, that company is too bad. I'm about to resign and go to Xin He Company to try. I heard that our university classmate Qiang Han was a senior manager there. Now it's pretty good! Unexpectedly, this kid could have this ability!"

"Oh, he" Quan Yong smiled awkwardly. His relationship with Qiang Han was not good, so Qiang Han was not invited to this party.

However, Jian Hua and Qiang Han are very close. If they go to Xin He Company and have Qiang Han's support, he will be able to mix in a good position.

Xiao Yan also said thoughtfully: "I heard that Xin He Company in Huadong is also a good large company, and it is quite strong. I didn't expect Qiang Han to mix so well now."

Yu Ying suddenly froze when she heard Xin He Company.

After breaking with the Xiao family, she was expelled from the Xiao Group. In order to find a job, she has put in a lot of resumes these days, one of which is Xin He Company.

Thinking of this, Yu Ying smiled and said, "It just so happens that I have to apply for a job at Xin He Group. If it passes, we will work in a company in the future."

Juan on the side asked in astonishment: "In the beginning, you have been in the Xiao Group well, why would you go to Xin He Company to submit your resume?"

Yu Ying said helplessly: "I have drawn a clear line from the Xiao family now, so I have to go out and find a new job, otherwise I can't support my family."

When Juan heard this, she looked at Ma Wen's eyes full of contempt: "Ma Wen, look at how hard it was for Yu Ying. As a man, you actually let your woman fall to this point, you are too useless."

The relationship between Juan and Ma Wen is not good, so she laughed unscrupulously: "Ma Wen, or go to Qiang Han's company to apply, although with your ability, you can only be a cleaner. But for the face of old classmates, it's okay to let you be a cleaning foreman."

Ma Wen said lightly: "You should keep this good thing for yourself, I'm not interested."

Seeing him so unappreciative, Jian Hua said uncomfortably: "Ma Wen, I know you have a strong self-esteem, but you see now, everyone is better than you, I advise you to recognize the reality."

Quan Yong frowned and said, "Okay, today is the day of our classmate's reunion. Don't run against Ma Wen like this."

After that, Quan Yong said apologetically to Ma Wen: "Ma Wen, you must not take to your heart, Juan and Jian Hua are so straightforward."

Juan snorted coldly and said, "Quan Yong, who made Ma Wen this Rubbish always look calm and unreliable. He has no ability, and he is quite good at pretending to be compelling."

Jian Hua added disdainfully: "He is just a poor dick."

Ma Wen's eyes were very cold, but looking at Quan Yong's face, he didn't bother to be familiar with these two idiots.

Seeing this, Juan and Jian Hua looked down on Ma Wen even more. He were ridiculed yet he didn't even dare to refute a bullshit. He were a waste!

Jian Hua continued sarcastically: "Hey, if you want me to tell you, Yu Ying is really blind. If so many good boys in our class don't look for her, why did she pick a rag like Ma Wen?"

As he was speaking, at this moment, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.


Several sturdy men in black broke into the box, and one of them, a young man with a cigarette in his head, said coldly: "Get out of here, I want this box."

Jian Hua frowned and said, "What are you doing? Didn't you see us eating?"

After speaking, he patted the table and said, "This is the Feng Ling Hotel. Don't you understand the rules of first come first come first?"

"First come first?"

The young man with a cigarette holding a small inch walked up to Jian Hua and slapped him directly. Jian Hua fell to the ground, his face swollen immediately.

"You fucking pretend to be forceful with me? I'm the fucking Lin Liang Wu under Hong Wu! Who the fuck are you?!"

"Lin Liang Wu?"

Jian Hua held his face, his eyes panicked. Liang Wu is a famous leader in this area. Although it's not a big deal in Huadong, it is still a person who no one can afford to offend.

"Sorry Liang Wu, let's go now, let's go!"

Liang Wu sneered and looked at the crowd cursing: "What are you doing in a daze? Don't get out of here!"

Xiao Yan and Yu Ying panicked, and subconsciously hid behind Ma Wen

Ma Wen looked at Lin Liang Wu and said coldly: "For Mr. Hong Wu's face, you get out now, I can spare your life!"

"Fuck! Ma Wen, you're fucking crazy! This is Liang Wu, Brother Liang Wu!"

"Sorry Brother Liang Wu, we are not familiar with this Ma Wen, just ask him if you have anything! Don't hurt us!"

Jian Hua and Juan criticized Ma Wen for being bloody. What a fucking pretense, this is Hong Wu's Liang Wu! It's a murderous person who has seen blood. You don't want to look to him like this unless you are looking for death!

However, the man named Liang Wu hesitated. He looked at Ma Wen as if he was thinking of something. His expression suddenly changed and he said tentatively: "You are Ye Ma Wen?"

Liang Wu has been following Hong Wu for a long time. He had the privilege of hearing Ma Wen's name, and then suddenly remembered.

Ma Wen said coldly: "Could there be two other Ye Ma Wen in Huadong?!"

Liang Wu was struck by thunder, and immediately knelt on the ground: "I'm sorry Mr. Ye, I didn't know that it were you Master. I deserve a million deaths!"

Jian Hua watched this scene and said blankly: "Brother Liang Wu, is there any misunderstanding? It's true that this person is called Ma Wen, but he is just a rubbish son-in-law, not a Master at all!"

Lin Liang Wu turned pale when he heard this, and kicked Jian Hua to the ground: "Bastard! Fuck your mother! Are you looking for death? Dare to insult Mr. Ye and see if I won't kill you today!"

Although Liang Wu can be regarded as the number one person in the surrounding area, he knew in his heart that he was a dog of Hong Wu, and facing Ma Wen, Hong Wu had to kneel and lick, and he was even just qualified to lick the bottom. He dare not to offend Ma Wen!

"And you bitch, you fucking dare to insult Mr. Ye!"

While talking, Liang Wu turned his head and gave Juan a slap, bleeding her mouth.

"Oh, Lin Liang Wu, we still have to eat, please get out of here!"

Ma Wen didn't bother to care about a small character like Liang Wu, so he directly bowed his hand and let him go.

Liang Wu nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I'll get out of here! Get out of here now!"

After finishing speaking, like a dog, he quickly retreated from the box.

In the box, don't mention how uncomfortable Jian Hua and Juan were. Ma Wen, who had just been mocked by them in every possible way, turned into Mr. Ye in the mouth of Brother Liang Wu. What the hell was going on?

There must be some misunderstanding inside, Ma Wen is just a waste! Also worthy of being called a Master?

Quan Yong said to the two of them: "You two, let's have a snack in the future. You must be low-key when you come out. What should be said and what should not be said, think before you speak, it could bring you big trouble!"

Jian Hua and Juan had just been beaten by Liang Wu, and now they dare not to speak at all.

Quan Yong then said to Ma Wen: "Ma Wen, thanks to you, I toast you on behalf of everyone, thank you!"

Ma Wen smiled faintly: "It's just a small matter."

The next day, Yu Ying received an interview invitation from Xin He Company.

The interview was scheduled in the afternoon, and Ma Wen took advantage of Yu Ying's attention and took out his cell phone to call Wang Yong Hai.

After the call was connected, Wang Yong Hai's respectful voice sounds: "Mr. Ye, what are your instructions?"

Ma Wen said lightly: "My wife is going to apply for a job at Xin He Construction Company. I want to ask you about this company."

Wang Yong Hai was surprised and said: "Xin He Construction Company? This company is a wholly-owned enterprise controlled by the Wang family. Miss Xiao is going to apply for this company? This is too bad for Miss Xiao, or I will just remove the chairman of the company. How about changing Miss Xiao as the next Chairman?"

Ma Wen was stunned when he heard the words, he was a little surprised that Xin He Company belonged to the Wang family.

If Wang Yong Hai can help, it would be good, but after thinking about it, his wife wanted to rely on her own ability, so he said lightly: "No, you just arrange it then and let my wife pass the interview."

Wang Yong Hai immediately respectfully said: "Okay Mr. Ye, I will arrange it now."

Here, after Wang Yong Hai just hung up the phone, he immediately asked his assistant to send a notice to the senior management of Xin He Company. The thing Mr. Ye ordered, he must do well.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Ying was about to leave for an interview at Xin He Company.

Since the car was sent to the 4s shop for maintenance today, Ma Wen and Yu Ying had no choice but to take a taxi, but this was the peak time. The two waited on the roadside for a long time and did not get a taxi.

Yu Ying was a little anxious, and said helplessly: "If I miss the interview with Xin He Company a little later, it would definitely give them a bad impression. I would not have sent the car for maintenance if I knew it."

Ma Wen was also very helpless. Looking at the number of taxis, there are more than fifty people who turn to him. It's really a mistake.

At this time, a black Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly stopped in front of the two.

The window rolled down and the person inside was Wang Yong Hai. He was surprised and said: "Mr. Ma Wen, are you planning to take a taxi?"

Ma Wen was stunned for a moment. It's a coincidence that Wang Yong Hai just made it?

So he said: I want to take my wife to the Xin He company for an interview, why are you here?"

Wang Yong Hai said quickly: "Mr. Ma Wen, it's peak time. It is estimated that it is difficult to get a taxi. If you don't dislike it, I will give you two a ride.

Although Yu Ying felt a little strange that Wang Yong Hai had just arrived, she said with embarrassment: "This is too troublesome for Mr. Wang."

"No trouble, no trouble at all." Wang Yong Hai hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for the two of them, very happy.

Seeing this, Ma Wen touched his nose and didn't say a word. He knew that Wang Yong Hai had seized the opportunity to kneel, and he would definitely not let it go. It happened that he needed to use him too, so there was no reason to refuse.

The driver drove in front, and Wang Yong Hai sat in the passenger seat, chatting casually with Ma Wen.