Chapter 129

"When a construction company started as soon as it was opened. Funds and connections are all problems." Yu Ying said: "I am going to build an office. Let me start with the studio. I will help the construction company draw design. A certain number of contacts will accumulate with some funds before registering the company."

Ma Wen smiled and said, "Money and connections are not a problem. If you really want to start a company, I will open one for you."

"No." Yu Ying rejected his kindness without thinking, and said seriously: "I want to try it myself first, and then talk about where you get the resources. The construction company can't be just opened like that."

Ma Wen said: "I have the money to start a company, and I also have the contacts you want."

Now the Emgrand Group's investment covers almost 70% of Huadong's industries, and it's easy to get some design contracts in the construction industry.

Yu Ying thought he was joking and waved her hand angrily; "You don't understand things in the construction industry. I will do it myself for investment matters, so you don't have to worry about it."

To register a construction company, at least 10 million start-up capital is required, and staffing capital is also needed. Where would he get that money?

Even if he had the money in his hands, he couldn't have had the connections in the construction industry.

Ma Wen was speechless for a while. His wife left his ready-made resources without using them to start from scratch by herself. He really didn't know what to say.

As soon as Yu Ying left forefoot, Yu La, mother-in-law on the back foot, came back. Her pension were counted on the Xiao Group, hence she often went to the Xiao Group for these two days.

Although Yu Ying's family broke with the Xiao family, Yu La thought about reconciliation as before.

"Where did Yu Ying go?"

"It looks like someone is looking for a project."

"What kind of project?! Do you really want to leave the Xiao family?" Yu La said angrily: "Isn't it just a little misunderstanding? Making a fuss like this, arguing to cut off relations with the Xiao family, what will it look like to the others?"

Dai Fu was taken aback for a while and looked up and down Yu La.

"My wife, you went to Xiao's house, and you got confused after the Madam Xiao's scolding?"

"What kind of confusion?! I'm not confused at all!" Yu La sat down on the sofa angrily: "Tomorrow you will go to Xiao's house with me and confess mistake to Madam Xiao. Madam Xiao is your mother, and the eldest man in Xiao family is also your eldest brother. The blood relationship will be retained as much as possible."

Dai Fu's expression was not good, and he said angrily: "They want to sell my house and rob Ma Wen's villa. They didn't regard me as Xiao family from beginning to end! If you want to apologize, I won't step in again. One step from the Xiao family is the best for me."

Seeing Dai Fu, who had always been honest, had a tough attitude this time, Yu La was so angry that she turned to Ma Wen and said.

"Ma Wen, your father is having a dead brain, you come to judge! With three of us, there was no overnight feud. You opened your mouth and said things that sever the relationship, this is too trifling! Besides, my pension also counts on the Xiao Group!"

"She is confused? She wants to seize my property, rob Ma Wen's villa, and said she wants Yu Ying to divorce and marry another man. Is this confusion?"

Dai Fu became angry all of a sudden, stood up and said, "You go to Xiao's house and they will give you a bit of mischievous soup, and you believe it!"

Seeing the father-in-law and mother-in-law arguing, they both pulled him to judge, Ma Wen's head growing bigger.

He quickly found an excuse: "Yu Ying asked me to pick her up, I'm going out."

After speaking, Ma Wen hurriedly walked out of the gate, and there was still a quarrel between the two behind him.

It is difficult for an upright man like him to decide on household argument. So it is better for him not to blend in.

Ma Wen casually found a small restaurant, and ordered a few dishes. He planned to mix it up at night before going home.

This is a famous food street in Huadong City with many people.

While Ma Wen was eating, his eyes wander around and suddenly saw at the two figures across the street, and he was taken aback.

Isn't that his wife Yu Ying?

Across the street is a very high-end restaurant. Across the floor-to-ceiling glass on the second floor, Ma Wen saw Yu Ying sitting by the window, and a middle-aged man in a suit with leather shoes and wearing gold glasses is sitting on her opposite.

Yu Ying was holding the materials and was talking to the man non-stop, as if she was introducing her own studio, probably because she wanted the other party to invest.

But the middle-aged man was absent-minded, his eyes gazed toward her neck, neckline, and chest.

He even wanted to touch Yu Ying's hand by holding the materials.

Fortunately, Yu Ying's eyesight was quick and her hands were quick, and she withdraw away quickly.

Ma Wen saw it all and anger rush toward his head!

This shitass, dare to hit on his wife!

The waiter had just walked over with a bowl of wonton noodles, before putting it down, Ma Wen stood up instantly, took out a red banknote and patted it on the table.

"Keep the change."

The second floor lounge of Yun Lai Hotel.

Yu Ying was suppressing the disgust in her heart, forcing herself to smile, and said to the man across the table: "Mr. Mei, the company's future plans are written in the information. There for sure will be development in the future, if you are willing to follow then I will cooperate, I will definitely give you the best project planning."

"Miss Xiao, I know your abilities." The middle-aged man showed an embarrassed expression: "But now the company still has several projects under investment at the same time, so the funds are very tight."

Yu Ying was a little disappointed. She exhausted her tongue and talked with him for a long time, but the other party was still ambiguous, so she couldn't figure out the details.

Seeing Yu Ying's expression, the middle-aged man deliberately rubbed his hands and said, "Actually, it is not impossible. I will discuss with the company's senior management. To be honest, I am very optimistic about your company. Or else at 8 o'clock tonight. Let's talk a little bit, and I'll learn more.

"Mr. Mei, this is not so good, right?"

Yu Ying hesitated.

It's late at eight o'clock in the evening, and if we continue to talk, I am afraid that the results will come out late at night. I am a married woman, and it will not sound good if it were to spread it out.

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "It's not too late. Investment is not a trivial matter. We no longer have a deep understanding of each other. How can we have mutual trust? I will invite you to have a supper and discuss plans. Come on, Mr. Xiao, for our future cooperation let's do a handshake."

After speaking, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand and shook it to Yu Ying's small hand, a faint light flashed under his eyes.

This middle-aged man was named Mei Ping, and he had long coveted Yu Ying, the "Huadong No. 1 Beauty".

Just because of the lack of opportunities, there has been no chance to start with this beauty.

Now Yu Ying actually approached him personally, saying that she was disconnected from the Xiao family and wanted to persuade him to invest in her new studio, which made him irritated in his private parts. He planned to take Yu Ying down tonight and play with it!

Yu Ying didn't want to shake hands with Mei Ping, but when she saw that the other party took the initiative to shake hands, she felt that if she refused, she would appear insincere, so she had to bite the bullet and stretch out her hand.

Just when Mei Ping secretly hid his joy and wanted to hold Yu Ying's little hand.

Suddenly, a big hand was stretched out in the diagonal stab, and it was directly held in her hand.

Mei Ping was stunned for a moment, looked up angrily at the incoming person and shouted, "Who are you, what the hell are you doing?"

When Yu Ying raised her head, she was also stunned.

"Ma Wen, when did you come?"

After speaking, she quickly explained to Mei Ping: "He is my husband."

When he heard the word "husband", Mei Ping's face suddenly became dark.

"I just arrived." Ma Wen pretended not to see it, smiled at Yu Ying, and said to Mei Ping: "Your name is Mei Ping, isn't it the boss of Future Company?"

Mei Ping's face was sullen and corrected, "Yes, it's me, how about it?"

"Not very good, the character are indeed pretty lousy!" Ma Wen nodded repeatedly, and deliberately lengthened his tone.

Mei Ping was sullen in his heart, and coldly wanted to withdraw his hand.

But Ma Wen's palms were like iron tongs, which made him unable to move.

"Hiss!" Mei Ping let out an inhalation sound, his palm hurts more and more, and his bones seem to be about to break. "You! Let go of my hand or it will be broken by you!"

Yu Ying knew that Ma Wen was strong, and said quickly; "Ma Wen, let go of it."

Ma Wen released his hand and looked at Mei Ping with a smile.

Mei Ping's expression was distorted with pain, and he glanced at Ma Wen angrily, and then said to Yu Ying: "Tell your husband to go back quickly. I'm not used to talking about cooperation in front of outsiders."

Yu Ying hesitated for a moment and said, "Ma Wen is my husband. He knows about my company, he's not an outsider."

"Even if he's not an outsider, I'm not used to talking about such an important thing in front of a third party." Mei Ping gave Ma Wen a bored glance, just wanting to drive him away quickly, and said, "Besides, about cooperation, he doesn't understand either."

Yu Ying raised her head and said softly: "Ma Wen, I'm here to discuss business matters, you go back first."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you." After Ma Wen finished speaking, he sat down next to Yu Ying.

Seeing Ma Wen clinging to Yu Ying's delicate body, Mei Ping frustrated his teeth in anger. He was really unwilling to see the flesh of his mouth and he was about to fly like this.

He snorted coldly and said: "You are the son-in-law of the Xiao family. You are well-known in Huadong City. Yu Ying has worked hard to support her family, so please don't delay her work. I will discuss cooperation with Yu Ying. You will only get in the way here."

Mei Ping's tone was very rude, because he didn't put Ma Wen in his eyes at all and wanted to send him away.

"The poor son-in-law of the Xiao family, most people in the circle knew, Mei Ping couldn't help but sigh that Yu Ying was married to a "soft rice man" it seemed exactly as a flower grew on the cow dung.

Ma Wen frowned and stared at Mei Ping coldly.

This flower is called "Yu Ying", calling her first name as if she is his wife!

Mei Ping looked at Ma Wen with disdain, and said, "Ma Wen, if you are a man, don't delay Yu Ying's work! Can you help Yu Ying? Do you have the money to cooperate? Can you help Yu Ying? To the contract for architectural design drawings?"

"If not, I advise you to find a job, deliver food or be a security guard, so as not to panic at home every day and be suspicious of your wife!"