
"Em, please understand I really don't like the idea of you going out for a bachelorette party right now. There's going to be a lot of drunk people around. What if something happens and you get hurt?"

I'm sitting at my vanity table putting on the earrings Yoongi bought me to match my heart necklace. I look over at him through the mirror, a worried look on his face, "Min.. Yoon.. Gi, do you really think I'd put myself in that type of situation? It's only going to be like 6 of us. We're going to have some dinner, go to a club so they can dance, and knowing my appetite lately thanks to Peanut, we'll probably end up getting a second dinner. Jenn already reserved a balcony table close to the bathrooms so I'll be away from the crowded dance floor. I'll be safe. If it makes you feel better, I'll even check in with you every hour. Besides, I'm only 6 and a half months pregnant. I can do everything I did before I got pregnant. Besides, you should be getting ready for Joon's party. You know they wouldn't let you miss out." I keep trying to reach down for my flats but give up. Yoongi sighs, "Everything you did before? You can't even put your shoes on but you want to go to a club." I instantly pout, holding my foot up for Yoongi, who's already standing from the bed, "Who said I can't put them on? I just decided to go barefoot and pregnant. Who needs shoes anyway?" He laughs, giving up on the argument before walking over and slipping my shoes on me. He kneels before me, placing his hands on my bulging belly, "Fine, I'll go but if anything happens, anything at all, call me. I'll come to get you as fast as I can. Do you understand?" I run my fingers through his hair before kissing his pouting lips, "In a heartbeat. I love you."

~Yoongi's POV~

"I can't believe it! Our leader is getting married tomorrow!" Seokjin shouts as we clink our shot glasses together for the nth time." Hyungs, how did ARMYs take it when you both broke the news about the weddings and Peanut?" The younger members look at us, expectantly. Namjoon looks at me nervously before taking the lead in answering, "Well, I think they might've been more shocked about the baby, right Yoongi- hyung ? We told them about having girlfriends and getting married which seemed to go okay but as soon as Yoongi gave the baby news, hell broke loose in the comments. They kept talking about having a baby before marriage being a bad example but to be honest, I think some of them just didn't like the idea of us having sex." I nod my head, "It all went better than I expected but we still got some pretty bad messages. I had to have some of the staff secretly monitor Yaman-In's messages for a little while. Some saesangs got a hold of her social media and sent her hate mail. I think she kind of felt guilty about it. She was more worried about BTS being affected than herself." Seokjin pours out seven more shots of soju, "Look, with fame comes hardships. There will always be people waiting to see you fail. What matters is how you react to it. The fans that truly love you will always be there to support you no matter what and they will support you growing up and starting a family. Yoongi- ah , you're going to have a kid that will grow up looking up to you so what matters most now is how you raise them. Both of you are getting married so focus on your wives and being happy. The rest of us will be here to support you. Let's toast. To our brothers that are about to start a whole new adventure in their lives and to ARMY that have supported us from the start." We clink our glasses and take our shots.

It's just after midnight when I exit the bathroom, sobering up now that I stopped drinking hours ago in case Emma called to be picked up. I'm walking down the hall to our private lounge when I hear faint voices arguing drifting into the small hallway off to the right, leading to the smoking area outside, the exit door wide open. Paying no mind to the actual argument, I walk past until a familiar name catches my attention. Taking a step back into the small hallway, my instincts begin to make my heart race as I recognize the voices belonging to Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin's stressed voice hits my ears as I take another step, "Tae, this isn't right. You know that, right? How fucked up it sounds? She's having a baby, for fucks sake. There's no coming back from that!" All logic is telling me I'm easily misunderstanding, that I should go back to the party and not intrude on their private conversation. . .but my gut is screaming otherwise. "I know I'm fucked up, Jimin. You don't have to fucking tell me, I know, but I can't help it and I came to you as my best friend. I feel like time is running out and I can't breathe an-" Jimin laughs, almost maniacally, "Do you hear yourself, right now?! Time has already run out! She's marrying Yoongi, our hyung, and they're about to have their first kid. You need to get over he-" "Don't you think I've tried?!" Taehyung yells, pacing across the doorway with one hand pulling at his own hair, the other shaking as a cigarette teeters between his fingers, ash falling to the ground, "I've wanted to talk to her, to tell her to be with me, to choose me, ever since I first saw her three years ago. From the moment I saw her in that audience, I wanted to know her name, to get to know her, to tell her how beautiful she is. I can't help feeling this way, Jimin. I love h-" "You have to be fucking kidding me, Taehyung!" My throat aching as I yell, bursting through the doorway. "All these years, Taehyung! Three fucking years and you decide now is the time to mention having a crush on Emma? All this time and not once did you tell me anything and now that we're getting married and having a baby, you decide now is the time to admit your crush? Are you fucking serious?!" "Hyung-" I raise my hand, cutting Jimin off. Taehyung backs away, tossing the cigarette butt onto the pavement before trampling it, " Hyung , I'm sorry . I didn't know how to tell you." This time I find myself to be the one laughing, "You didn't know how? How about 'hey, hyung , you know that girl we met today at Kcon? I like her. I'm interested. I want to get to know her.' But instead, you wait until we're starting our own family?" "I fucked up, I know!" Taehyung yells. Jimin stands off to the side, watching us, ready to jump in between us if need be. I roll my eyes, my voice seething with anger at this younger boy I have grown to love as my own flesh and blood, "You're fucking right you fucked up. I don't give a shit what the fuck you have to do to get over her but you need to or you can forget about coming to our wedding. She's mine, that child is mine , and there's nothing in this world that can take that away from me. Not even you." I turn to walk back inside, scared of my own anger threatening to lash out physically toward Taehyung. Taking a step over the threshold, I pause, turning back toward Taehyung, Jimin's stunned face cautiously watching me, "You know what the most fucked up part of all this is, Taehyung? That fact that I love you as my own family. I love you so fucking much, Tae, that had you come to me that day at Kcon, I would have stepped aside for you I would have kept my own feelings back, just for you to move forward with her instead. Not now. You can't have her. I won't." Walking back into the hall, I take a moment to compose myself before opening the door to our lounge, bright lights, music, and laughter washing over me.

Not too long later, my phone begins vibrating in my pocket with a text from Emma.

Yoongs...I miss you. How's the bachelor party?

look around the karaoke room. Jungkook, Jimin, and Seokjin are dressed up in costumes drunkenly singing and dancing to SNSD. Namjoon is snoring on the couch hugging a bottle of liquor, Taehyung is bent over him trying to carefully take away the empty bottle before it falls. Hoseok is spacing out sitting upside down in the armchair.

It's fun. You know how the guys are when they drink. I'm sleepy. Want me to come get you? Are you hungry?

It takes little time for her to text back, her message making me laugh.

You know me so well, baby daddy. Peanut wants pork ramen. And a pineapple milkshake. And a pickle.

I scrunch my nose at her request. I don't know much about pregnancies but it makes me wonder if every new mother gets weird cravings.

That's disgusting. Be there soon. Love you.

I grab my jacket when someone stops me. Taehyung is clinging to my arm, "Hyung, are you leaving? Can we go somewhere and talk?" I pry his hand off me, "My fiancee's hungry and I'm tired. Besides, I really don't think there's much more to say right now." Taehyung looks down guiltily at the emphasis of my words. Serves him right. The hard edges of all my tension begin to soften the longer I watch him, his lashes wet, heart-shaped lips turned down into a frown, lower lip slightly trembling. I run my fingers through my wine-colored hair, sighing deeply at my inability to hold a grudge, no matter how painful it may be, "I woke up early to meet the architect. I'm having him add a library to the house as a gift for Emma. With our wedding coming up soon, she's been handling everything so effortlessly. It's like she was born to be a mom." He fidgets with his beer bottle, running his thumb in circles over the rim, "A library? You really know Yaman-In well, huh? Most guys just get chocolates or jewelry." I can't help but smile at the thought of her curled up by the window, quietly reading her favorite book, "Those types of things don't really impress her but she loves to read. She's so beautiful when she gets lost in a book. With the baby coming, I want her to be able to have her own space." I turn towards Jungkook, an internal reminder going off in my head, "Hey, JK, can you make a GCF film of our wedding? I swear Yaman-In's your biggest fan." "Really? Hyung, I would love to!" Jungkook practically crushes me in a bear hug but I only smile, with an overwhelming fondness for our youngest brother. Seeing him grow into the man he's become, I have a soft spot for my baby bunny, "Ok, ok, I have to go. Make sure everyone gets home safe."

I find Emma waiting by the front door, two security guards on either side of her. She spots me as I walk over to her and she turns around to thank them. I kiss her forehead and open her door, "What's with the entourage?" I helped her with her seatbelt, her eyes glued to me as if she hadn't seen me in years, taking my breath away, "Oh, they saw me come outside by myself and asked if I was okay. I told them I was waiting for my fiance but they scolded me for daring to be outside at night by myself while pregnant so they waited with me. Nice guys." I lace our fingers together and kiss the back of her hand, "They're right. You shouldn't be out there alone. You should've waited inside. Pork ramen?"

~Your POV~

"I can't believe Joon's getting married. Before we know it, Peanut will have a little cousin." We're laying in bed as Yoongi rubs my belly, watching as my belly moves and changes shape. Peanut bunches up to my left side, creating an oddly shaped lump. Yoongi places his hand on my side, rubbing against Peanut, "I'm so proud of Namjoon. He worked hard for this day. Pretty soon, it'll be our wedding. I can't wait to see you waddling down the aisle. Just five more weeks until you become my wife." I run my fingers through his hair before leaning down to kiss his head, "We can just elope right now." He looks up at me, the biggest smile on his face, "Don't test me. You know I would but you deserve a big wedding with your parents and family." I roll my eyes, playfully teasing him, " Fine, if you insist. I guess I'll just have to endure being treated like a princess for a day." My heart swells, placing a hand on his cheek as I watch him laugh, all gums and tiny, perfectly straight teeth, not unlike the cutest kitten, "I love you."


"Mr. Kim Namjoon. You are becoming the husband of this young bride. Do you promise to love and respect her, take care of her, help her, in joyful times and in hard times, healthy times and sick times, every day, forever?"

"I do."

"Miss. You are becoming the wife of Kim Namjoon. Do you promise to love and respect him, take care of him, help him, in joyful times and in hard times, healthy times and sick times, every day, forever?"

"I do."

We all quietly watch as Mia and Namjoon bow towards each other before sipping wine from a gourd her mother provided. The combined wedding traditions of both of their cultures is beautifully carried out. Cheers erupt as Namjoon finally grabs his bride's face and kisses her passionately. The moment feels intimate. They look so beautiful. Happy. In love. He grabs her hand as they run out of the chapel together. The guests make their way outside to send the couple off. Rose petals are thrown about as bubbles float around us. Namjoon keeps looking at Mia with the biggest smile I've ever seen. He still hasn't let go of her hand and continues to lift their intertwined fingers to his lips, gently kissing her hand. They look back and wave as he helps her climb into the back of the sleek white limousine. Tears stream down my face as I fail to control my emotions. Two people I have grown to love as a family being so in love is amazing. I can't help but anticipate my own wedding when I get to marry my own best friend. Yoongi tightens his arm around my waist and places his large hand over my bulging belly. He looks down at me with the sweetest smile before softly pressing his warm lips against mine, "Let's go party."

The banquet room is gorgeously decorated with crystal chandeliers and candelabras with pale pink and white flowers everywhere. Drunken guests laugh and dance as they socialize and watch the musical guests perform. The happy newlyweds sit at the Sweetheart table completely lost in their own world. I watch Yoongi as he stands in line at the buffet table for the third time for me. All I'm craving is steak and chocolate brownies tonight. I'm so in love with the way Yoongi caters to my pregnancy needs, no matter how ridiculous I know they must seem. I recall how earlier in the night, I stood up to clap as Jimin finished his heartfelt toast but cried instead when my belly bumped my glass of milk, spilling it onto the table. My heart skips a beat thinking of how quickly Yoongi wrapped his arms around me, comforting me as he continually whispered, "It's okay, Em, it's okay." "So, Yaman-in, did you find out what you're having yet?" I turn towards Bang PD and rub my round belly, shaking my head, "No. Yoongi wants to be surprised. He said as long as the baby's healthy, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl so we decided to wait." Seokjin chimes in, a glass of champagne in hand, "Yamin-in, I have the perfect names picked out for my niece or nephew. Jin, if it's a boy, and Jina, if it's a girl!" I throw a breadstick at Seokjin as he starts laughing and turning red. " Hyung , I wouldn't even name a dog after you," Yoongi says, sitting back down, placing a plate of already cut steak, mixed vegetables, and 3 brownies in front of me. I turn my nose at the veggies and he catches me, "Don't give me that attitude. If you're going to feed my kid all that meat and sugar, you need to feed them vegetables, too. Fix your face." I pout but wordlessly pop a steamed carrot into my mouth. "Yoongi -ah ! How dare you talk to your hyung like that! Do you have no shame? I didn't raise you to be so bold!" Seokjin shouts as he shakes his head, the table next to us looking over at us like we're wild animals. Yoongi and Seokjin bicker as the rest of us laugh at the idiocy of it all. I take a sip of milk, resting my hand on Yoongi's thigh, "Okay, okay, that's enough, guys. There's still time to pick a name. Yoongi and I already decided that I'll pick the name if it's a boy and he'll pick it if it's a girl. If it's a boy, his name will be Min Yeong Gi, which means 'clever, brave, and heroic'. Just like his daddy. Yoongi won't tell me the name he picked. He's being selfish."

Just then, Mia and Namjoon appear at the table together, hand in hand. Everyone collectively shouts "Congratulations" as we stand to give them hugs, Jenn being the first one to throw her arms around her best friend's neck. "Everyone, thank you for staying by our side throughout all the hardships to get us here today. We love you!" They give us a small bow before we all clink our champagne glasses together. Bang PD grabs Namjoon's shoulder, giving a firm squeeze of support, "Joonie, how's it feel to finally be married?" Namjoon looks down at Mia, his eyes crinkling as his dimple as deep as the ocean pops up on his cheek, "It's an overwhelming sense of happiness. I'm happy, PD -nim . Truly happy." Mia can not take her eyes off her new husband, smiling as he leans down, placing his hand delicately across her neck before kissing her softly. I feel my cheeks burn at the intimate kiss before looking away. I hear someone at the table cough while others look in awkward directions, Jungkook's eyes on Jenn.

Jungkook looks at his watch, grabs his glass of water, and tells us he'll be back before walking out of the room. "Babe, do you know what song Kookie's going to sing?" Yoongi shakes his head, "He wouldn't tell us. He said he didn't want to mess up on his hyung's wedding day so in case he changed his mind about the song, he wanted to keep it secret." I take a sip of my milk and another bite of my brownie and watch as the singer finishes her set before walking offstage. A few crew members run out, adjust the microphone, and check equipment before running back offstage. Jungkook coolly walks out and grabs the microphone, " Annyeonghaseyo, joneun Bangtan Sonyeondan hwanggeum maknae, Jeon Jungkook imnida. " He closes his eyes, raises the mic to his lips, and starts to sing the prettiest cover of "2U". Yoongi grabs my hand, "Come." He helps me stand and leads me to the dance floor where several other couples have already gathered. He puts his hand on my waist, the other wrapped around my small hand, my belly pressed against his, leading me as we sway to the song. "Min.. Yoon.. Gi, are you being romantic? On purpose?" The corner of his mouth rises into a cocky smirk, "Don't get used to it. I'm only here for the food. . .and your butt. Your butt looks amazing in this dress." I can't help but laugh while he leans down and kisses me just below my ear. He wraps his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder. I feel so warm, completely happy at this moment.

I hear a subtle camera shutter near us and look up to see Taehyung. " Hyung, it's my turn to dance with my pretty noona." Yoongi looks at him with an annoyed expression, "Do you want to die?" Taehyung nervously laughs at his savagery before he lets go of my waist anyway, "I'll get you some water, Em. Taehyung- ah , you better keep your hands to yourself." He walks away and Tae grabs my hand, continuing to lead me on the dance floor. The original singer is back on stage singing a soft ballad." Noona, soon, it'll be you in a wedding dress. Are you happy?" I look up at him and study his face. His words seem casual, a smile on his face, but something in his voice is. . .off. A little serious. I give him a small reassuring smile, "I'm happier than I've ever been. I'm getting married, having a baby, and I'm lucky enough to have all of you as my family. I finally feel like I belong. Taehyungie, what's wrong? What's going on in that head of yours?" He smiles widely but it never reaches his eyes, "You look beautiful. Hyung's a lucky man." He plants a kiss on my forehead and walks away, leaving me stunned. I can't quite place my finger on why but somehow, the air between us feels different, heavy almost. "Where'd Taehyung go?" Yoongi asks, handing me a glass of sparkling water, strawberry slices floating around. I watch the back of Taehyung's head as he disappears into the crowd, "I'm not sure. He's not really being himself." Something about Yoongi's expression changes, "Yeah. . .They're about to cut the cake. C'mon, I know you're going to want some. You can even have my piece." He knows me so well. He grabs my hand and leads me back to the table.

Everyone leans back in their chairs stuffed, tired, and drunk. Yoongi sits next to me, playing with my hair while Jimin, Namjoon, and Seokjin have a dance battle on the dance floor. Yoongi leans in close to me, his mouth against my ear, "I can't wait to get you home." He slides a hand up my thigh, making me giggle. I lean my head on his shoulder to hide my blushing cheeks. The sound of a beer bottle slams on the table, startling me. We look up to see Taehyung already walking out. Jun Ki looks around the table, "What's wrong wi-" Yoongi looks at me, his expression suddenly serious, almost angry, "Stay here. I'll be back." Yoongi jumps up and runs after Taehyung. I try to wait for them but the longer they take to get back, the more worried I get. I wait a few minutes but can't take it. I grab my purse and go after them, finding them on the balcony, arguing. Yoongi stands in front of Taehyung, the vein in his neck throbbing as he yells, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! She's about to be my wife! I fucking told you to cut this shit out. She's pregnant with my kid, for fucks sake!" Taehyung is in tears, words slightly slurred, obviously drunk, " Hyung , I'm so sorry! I can't help it. With the wedding and the atmosphere. . . and then when I saw the two of you giggling, I just-I was weak." Yoongi walks away from where Taehyung continues crying, head hung low. He slams his fist against the railing, "And you pick tonight of all nights to tell her?! It's Joon- ah 's wedding! Get the fuck over your little crush. This day isn't about you and I'll be damned if you ruin it for them, do you understand?" Taehyung's shoulders sag as he leans back against the wall, "You don't think I've tried?! I'm trying to talk to you as my brother, hyung . I'm in love with her. I've been in love with her since before I met her. The way she was unafraid to challenge you that first day, the way she smiled during the fan meet, hearing you talk about her all these years and watching her graduate. She's beautiful, sweet, kind, and smart. I can't help that I fell for her anymore than you can!" Yoongi looks livid as he stares back at Taehyung, "She's mine." Taehyung leans forward, hands covering his face, muffling his words, "I know! I would never try to take her away from you. You're my brother. It's just hard. . . to love someone you can't have." "Then you need to figure it the fuck out now!"

Stunned by Taehyung's confession, I just can't bear the sight of them arguing. I stand between them, "Stop already! How could you fight like this? Tae, you know where I stand with Yoongi. I'm so sorry you're hurting but nothing changes how I feel about him. Yoongi, be reasonable! He's being honest with you and you're punishing him for it! It's not like he tried anything. He didn't even tell me. Try to be understanding. You know what it's like not being able to be with the person you want. Both of you need to calm down and talk things ou-" Yoongi cuts me off, his expression one of betrayal," 'Be reasonable'? My roommate..my brother tells me he's in love with my fiancée and you want me to be reasonable ?! And of all the times he could do it, he chooses Joon-ah's wedding? I'm not fucking dealing with this shit right now. C'mon, Emma, we're going home." Yoongi grabs my left wrist, leading me through the reception hall and out the front doors. He orders the valet to get his car. I'm still in shock from Taehyung's confession and Yoongi's outburst. A part of me wants to be stubborn, angry for the way Yoongi dragged me off like a child, but an even bigger part of me knows that now isn't the time to let my own defiant ways get the best of me. Yoongi needs support, not an enemy. I don't know what to say to make things better but I hope someone will be there to help Taehyung, too. I stand away from him, my mind racing through so many different emotions. How could I not have known about Taehyung? Will this change anything after tonight? How could I have missed it before tonight? How long has Yoongi known? The cool night air gives me chills, making me shiver. Yoongi opens the passenger seat to his car, "Get in." I somehow didn't realize the valet was already back with the car. Yoongi helps me into the front seat before walking around to the driver's seat.

The air is colder but I can not tell if it is the weather or Yoongi's attitude. "How could you take his side?" Yoongi asks with an accusatory tone. I look over at him incredulously, "Take his side? I'm not taking anyone's side. Both of you are wrong for arguing. You're family. How could you argue over a woman? Especially when you know you're the one marrying me. So what if he likes me? It's just a crush, Yoongs. He'll get over me and move on. Besides, it's not like he made a move on me. He kept it to himself and then came out to you, not me. He wasn't confessing to me. He was being honest with you. I think that says more about his respect for you over his feelings for me. I love you, Yoongs. I'll always support you but you know I'll always tell you when I think you're in the wrong, as well." He looks at me, grabs my left hand, and looks at my ring. A moment passes before he lets out a sigh of a thousand years of wisdom, his expression softening, "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled like that. I got caught up in the heat of the moment and spoke without thinking. I blamed him for being selfish during Joon's wedding and I was only making it worse. I'll call Tae when we get home." He kisses my ring finger and continues to hold my hand while driving, our fingers interlaced.

Yoongi's eyes flicker toward mine before reaching over to place a hand on my belly, "Peanut, are you sleepy? Mommy fed you well today, didn't she? Yes, mommy was a piglet today." My jaw drops in shock, smacking his shoulder as the car rolls to a stop at a red light, "Shut up! It's not my fault I'm always hungry." Yoongi laughs, showing that beautiful gummy smile of his. He lifts our hands and kisses mine, "I'm kidding! As long as Peanut is healthy, that's all that matters. Want me to make you some ramen when we get home?" I lean my head on his shoulder, "With 2 eggs, please. Ugh, my ankles are killing me. I think my feet are swollen, again." Yoongi kisses my head, "Okay, fine, I'll run you a hot bath, make your ramen, and while you eat, I'll massage your feet and legs. The doctor said to keep them elevated, anyway, remember?" The light finally turns green, making me grateful that we're almost home, "Aye aye, Captain. Yoongs. . . I love you so much. Go, let's go home."

Yoongi presses the gas, pulling out into the seemingly empty intersection. Suddenly, a blinding white light fills my window as the sounds of shattering glass and the grinding squeal of bending metal fill the air. I feel myself being pushed and pulled, turning so many times I don't know which way is up. A hot, thick liquid runs down my face but I can't see Yoongi. Then. . .darkness.
